
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, January 19, 2020

In Country Life, Charlotte Cory asks the question all Brontëites have asked at some point: 'Would Anne Brontë be more famous without her two sisters?'
Pity poor Anne Brontë, the youngest, overshadowed and least read of the Brontë sisters. Regarded rather as the runt of the literary litter, Anne, like the last born in many large families, has always needed to elbow her siblings aside for the attention that is her due. It is her fate that The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, one of the first great feminist novels, is inevitably shelved alongside Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, two of the greatest novels ever written. [...]
Anne’s death at the age of 29 deprived the world of an interesting voice. She wasn’t the meek and mild creature Charlotte would have us believe – the passionate honesty and liveliness of her writing and convictions make this youngest Brontë sister
a fascinating character in her own right. Happy 200th birthday, Anne.
In The Guardian, Hadley Freeman wishes she'd liked Greta Gerwig's take on Little Women, but she didn't.
If Gerwig were going to change something about Bhaer, I wish she’d changed how Jo falls for him when he says her stories are rubbish. (It is amazing how many novels feature a woman getting turned on by a man telling her off, from Emma to Jane Eyre to Fifty Shades. As messages go, I’d like this to go in the bin, alongside girls being told that, when a boy pulls their hair, it means he likes them.)
Stabroek News (Guyana) interviews local writer Cosmata Lindie.
What books/authors would you recommend to anyone seeking to inspire transformation in their own lives or in the way they view and/or produce their art?CL: I have read hundreds of books but here are a few that left a lasting impression on me: The Power of Myth, Fahrenheit 451, The Fellowship of the Ring, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Cannery Row, The Moonflower Vine, Jungle Cowboy, Les Miserables, Naked Came I and Heart of Darkness.
La Nación (Argentina) features writer Mariana Enríquez.
"Es cierto, todas mis obsesiones están presentes en esta obra. Aparecen los santos paganos, leyendas, Lovecraft, Emily Brontë, Sábato y su Sobre héroes y tumbas, los primeros años noventa de la Argentina. Son muchas las referencias, y la búsqueda era un poco que estuvieran todas", reconoce Mariana acerca de las inquietudes que comenzó a plasmar ya en su primera novela, Bajar es lo peor (1995). (Fabiana Scherer) (Translation)
La Nación also asks another writer, Olivia Gallo, how she began writing.
-¿Es posible rastrear ese primer momento en que empezás a escribir historias?- Me acuerdo de escribir varios principios de intentos de novelas, a los once años o algo así, en una computadora de mis viejos. En ese momento, empezaba a leer libros de Jane Austen y las Brontë, aunque rara vez los terminaba. Quería hacer novelas que pasaran en el siglo XIX, con protagonistas mujeres que usaran vestidos difíciles y anduvieran en carruajes. Y que sufrieran. Me trababa escribiendo unas descripciones larguísimas y los dejaba por la mitad. Más adelante, en el colegio, tuve una profesora de Lengua que nos hacía escribir todos los viernes un cuento. Esa obligación me ayudó. (Victoria Pérez Zabala) (Translation)
This columnist from El espectador (Colombia) could do with some fact-checking as Charlotte Brontë never published under her own name.
Una de las más grandes novelas de la historia, Jane Eyre, fue firmada al principio por un tal Currer Bell, y solo cuando esta fue aclamada por los lectores se empezó a reeditar con la verdadera identidad de su autora: Charlotte Brontë. (Héctor Abad Faciolince) (Translation)


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