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Monday, January 13, 2020

Monday, January 13, 2020 11:15 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
It's the week of Anne Brontë's bicentenary and The Telegraph and Argus announces another celebration scheduled for Friday, 17th January.
Anne, author of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, was born in Thornton on January 17 1820.
200 years on, Delius Arts and Cultural Centre on Great Horton Road, will celebrate her contribution to the arts world by costing a celebration of her life and works.
The event, a collaboration between South Square Centre and The Brontë Parsonage Museum, will include an evening of live music, poetry, and dancing.
Brontë project is finally complete as Anne stone is laid
There will be a Zine Making workshop with local artist Rosie Mcandrew, poetry by Sharena Lee Satti, spoke word performances by Kirsty Taylor and progressive synth sounds and visuals from Alice Hubble.
The celebration will run from 6PM to 10:30PM (Michael Black)
The Sisters' Room has published celebratory posts as well. While AnneBrontë.org announces the website owner's latest release: Crave The Rose: Anne Brontë At 200.

Redbrick reviews Greta Gerwig's Little Women quoting from a dialogue in the film:
Similarly, Amy faces doubt over her painting while in Paris: ‘I want to be great or nothing,’ she declares, giving up on her dream at the age of twenty. Laurie (Timothée Chalamet) asks her how many women are allowed to be considered geniuses, anyway. ‘The Brontës?’ Amy says, doubtfully. Laurie may as well be asking Gerwig how many women have been permitted to win Best Director at the Oscars (the answer is one). (Ellie Burridge)
News Tribune reviews the book Don't You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane.
The story opens with a flashback set in 2005 Sheffield, England, where Georgina Horspool and Lucas McCarthy are six weeks away from their final, final exams and graduation. They've never spoken before, but their exasperated teacher, fed up with the lack of attention to the classroom discussion of "Wuthering Heights," forces everyone to switch seats, and they wind up next to each other, required to work together on a shared essay. This in turn leads to a mutual crush and, eventually, as they seriously fall for each other, plans to spend prom night together. (Lisa Sanning)
The Times tells about an Edinburgh charity shop which recently held its annual one-week sale of designer brands.
The most expensive item was a £500 art nouveau book dating from 1900, while a first edition of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë made £80. (George Mair)
It may have been a first edition of some later edition of the novel, but we highly doubt that it was an actual first edition. If it was, then it was severely underpriced.

The Telegraph wonders,
Why go to Bel-Air when you could have Bradford? Only one of these places has world-class curries and a pantomime starring Paul Chuckle, and it is not in Los Angeles.
Travel guides to Bradford will tell you about the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth, a must-visit for anyone with a love of literature; and Saltaire, a beautifully-preserved Victorian model village with a converted mill at its heart honouring the career of David Hockney (Bradford's favourite son, if you discount J B Priestley and Zayn from One Direction). I can highly recommend both, but they are on Bradford's outskirts. What we Bradfordians found so cheering about Dame Helen's big weekend was that it celebrated the delights of a night out in the city centre. (Anita Singh)


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