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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Keighley News reveals some details of the events at the Parsonage this newly-born 2020:
The Brontë Society will on January 17 host a birthday bash for the youngest of Haworth’s novel-writing siblings to kick off a year of celebrations.
The aim of many activities throughout 2020 will be to highlight Anne’s talent and achievements amidst the shadow of her more famous sisters Charlotte and Emily.
The older sisters, along with brother Branwell, have been the subject of major bicentennial celebrations over the past few years.
The birthday party will run from 6pm at the Delius Arts and Cultural Centre, Great Horton Road, Bradford, and is jointly organised by the South Square Centre in Thornton – the village where Anne was born – and the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth.
There will be live music, poetry, and dancing; performances by musicians, poets and DJs; and a chance to try zine-making, badge-making and other DIY crafts.
A spokesman said: “Anne is often thought of as the ‘other Brontë’, but she was a talented novelist, poet, visual artist and musician. This event is inspired by her creativity and the conviction with which she held her beliefs.”
The full programme for 2020 will be unveiled in the next few weeks but highlights are set to include Haworth events with authors Ruta Sepetys, Maggie O’Farrell, Andrew Michael Hurley, Jess Moor and Nuala Ellwood. (...)
The Brontë Parsonage Museum, run by the Brontë Society, will on February 1 unveil its major 2020 exhibition Anne Brontë: Amid The Brave And Strong.
The Brontë Parsonage Museum will host its annual Parsonage Unwrapped event on January 18 at 2pm when literature fans can take a peek behind the scenes during the museum’s annual closed period.
The spokesman said: “Parsonage Wrapped offers exclusive access during our busiest and most exciting time of year, and the chance to experience the museum as you’ve never seen it before. (...)
The Brontë Society programme will also include artists Lindsey Tyson and Sarah Dew, who will present Go Back With Me, a visual, tactile and audio exhibition that explores the emotional importance of ‘place’ in Anne Brontë’s life.
Tickets for the society’s Summer Festival weekend will go on sale to the public in May, and there will also be events featuring comedy duo LipService and artist Samantha Ellis. The Parsonage Museum will partner Weavers Guesthouse and local calligrapher Phylecia Sutherland for a weekend retreat.
To mark Anne’s birthday there will be several events taking place in her beloved Scarborough on January 17-19 including talks, musical performances, storytelling and a candlelit walk to the beach.(David Knights)
The Anne Brontë anniversary is also reported in The Sunday Post:
Literature lovers and feminists will mark the 200th birthday of Anne Brontë on January 17.
Less well-known than Charlotte or Emily, that is mainly because Charlotte prevented her last novel, The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall, from being published again after her death.
Seen as the first feminist novel, it was one of two great novels Anne wrote, the other being Agnes Grey.
She also co-wrote poetry with her sisters, and tragically was dead before she was 30, from pulmonary tuberculosis. (Craig Campbell)
Boothbay Register reports a recent local event:
It was a joyous occasion on a wintry afternoon that brought Hearts Ever Young (H.E.Y.), a local theatrical troupe, to The Lincoln Home in Newcastle to celebrate the spirit of this holiday season. On Dec. 18 many cast members joined dear friends and acquaintances in a sing-along with Sean Fleming, the musical director of the troupe.
Also, with selections of Christmas songs, all present were treated to the brother and sister combo of David Fields on banjo, and Carolee Withee on guitar performing a beautiful rendition of, “The Maine Christmas Song.” Sally Kinney shared, “Music on Christmas Morning,” a short poem by Anne Brontë that sets the perfect atmosphere for a loving and intimate celebration of Christmas. (Carol Teel)
Insider lists films who were remade in the 2010s:
Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender starred in a 2011 film adaption of Charlotte Bronte's novel "Jane Eyre."
Previous adaptions of "Jane Eyre" were released in the '30s, '40s, '70s, and '90s. (Olivia Singh)
By the way, the film is described as 'stunning' by The Times of San Diego.

Also on Insider, a list of the literary references in the TV series You which includes:
During season one, episode nine, there's a flashback of Candace reading "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë to Joe.
The book is later destroyed — and Joe is shown repairing the book during the episode, too. (Shelby Slauer and Paige DiFiore)
The Halifax Examiner and the ubiquitous spoiler alerts:
A few years ago I read Jane Eyre for the first time. I went to an all-boys Anglo private high school in Montreal that was big on all things British, and our reading lists included Moonfleet, Great Expectations, The Mayor of Casterbridge, and more. But any books by women? God no. One year our history class was divided into two sections: Man the Builder (shorter section) and Man the Conqueror (much longer section).
Anyway, somehow I made it into my forties without being aware of almost any of the plot of Jane Eyre. As I read it, I recognized various names (Oh, this is the book with Mr. Rochester) and events, but most of it was new to me. My partner, Sara, took great pleasure in watching me hit the various plot points (Oh my God! He has a mad wife in the attic!) that are pretty common knowledge. (Philip Moscovitch)
Leo Weekly reviews the graphic novel Wellington by Aaron Mahnke and  Delilah Dawson:
Combining the aesthetics of “Wuthering Heights” and the Winchester brothers, “Wellington” is a great read for old and new fans of Mahnke. (Ashley Cornell)
The Guardian lists the best comics of the decade:
Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
I’m sure Beaton has turned more than one person on to Wuthering Heights just so they could better laugh at her Dude Watchin’ With the Brontës strip, or sent them frantically trawling Wikipedia for the backstory behind this or that eccentric Canadian politician. (Sam Thielman)
Awards Circuit reviews Greta Gerwig's Little Women:
Little Women” is one of the most adapted novels written by a woman. Only the Brontës and Jane Austen can compete with Louisa May Alcott in number of adaptations. Greta Gerwig‘s sophomore film is the tenth known iteration of the classic autobiographical tale first published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. (Karen M. Peterson)
The Newport Plain Talk talks about Bella Ellis's The Vanished Bride:
In the past few years, several writers of mysteries have adopted the practice of using famous authors of yore as their sleuths. Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and even Arthur Conan Doyle have all appeared on the scene, so it was just a matter of time before someone selected the Bronte sisters as their protagonists.
Bella Ellis has done just that with The Vanished Bride, set in Yorkshire in 1845. The trio of sisters have not yet achieved their awaiting fame, but they are certainly hard at work on their individual writing projects. (Duay O'Neil)
Somerset Live has some things to do in Somerset... before you die:
Visit Somerset’s filming locations
Scenes from Les Misérables were filmed on Bath's Pulteney Bridge, while The Royal Crescent was featured in Jane Eyre and Wells was the location for hit comedy, Hot Fuzz. (Ellie Kendall)
Elle (Italy) lists some of the nicest things happened in 2019:
Buone notizie: il mini-manoscritto ritrovato di Charlotte Brontë
Le cose belle succedono anche ai libri, e tutto è bene quel che finisce bene. La Brontë Society era a conoscenza dell’esistenza di un manoscritto inedito di Charlotte Brontë dalle piccolissime dimensioni (appena 35mm x 61mm!): la scrittrice inglese lo aveva firmato di suo pugno nel 1830 quando aveva soltanto 14 anni. Tuttavia, la prestigiosa organizzazione benefica non era riuscita ad accaparrarselo nel 2011 e temeva che potesse finire presto tra le mani di un ricco privato. Per fortuna, non è andata così: la good news raccontata da theguardian.com ci avvisa che la Brontë Society questa volta ce l’ha fatta, battendo gli altri acquirenti dell’asta tenutasi a Parigi offrendo ben 600mila euro. Ma cosa ha ancora di speciale questo libricino? (Federica Caiazzo) (Translation)
Literary tourism in Letralia (Spain):
Otra ruta, esta Yorkshire puro, la casa de la familia Brontë, donde imagino aún deambulan los fantasmas de las tres escritoras, Charlotte, Emily y Ann (sic), acompañadas de sus criaturas literarias. Sus viajes en este caso carecen de interés, ya que es la casa familiar, hoy convertida en museo, y los páramos, el principal atractivo de esta ruta. (Estrella Cardona Gamio) (Translation)


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