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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Fine Books and Collections lists some of the celebrations of Anne Brontë's bicentenary.
The Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth, England, has been closed this month for conservation work, but on Friday, January 17, the 200th birthday of novelist Anne Brontë, there is a free preview day (10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) for the museum’s forthcoming exhibition, Anne Brontë: 'Amid the brave and strong'.
Focusing on the life, work, and legacy of Anne, the youngest of the literary sisters, the exhibition will include her final letter; the first of Charlotte’s six ‘little books,’ which she wrote specifically for Anne; and a portrait of Anne by Charlotte, which will be displayed alongside the carnelian necklace which she wears in the picture. Other items include Anne’s sketching block that she bought in 1843 to sketch outside, as well as a selection of her drawings and paintings. 
Later in the evening the celebrations will continue in the Delius Centre in nearby Bradford, which will be holding a party for Anne’s 200th birthday featuring music, poetry, craft-making, dancing, and the promise of a taste of Anne Brontë punch. No booking required and pay whatever you like.
Anne Brontë: 'Amid the brave and strong' officially opens on February 1, 2020 and runs until January 1, 2021 at the Parsonage Museum. (Alex Johnson)
Il Foglio (Italy) claims it's time to recover' Wuthering Heights while saying at the same time that it's 'fortunately' Emily Brontë's only work.
Violento, confuso, pasticciato, per nulla verosimile. Una mostruosità letteraria, meglio tenerla fuori dal salotto buono. Un “freak”, come le creature bizzarre raccontate dal simpatico critico Leslie Fiedler, e al cinema dal regista Tod Browning (da ragazzino scappò con il circo, il cuore rimase impigliato). “Cime tempestose” non è un romanzo, è un fenomeno da baraccone, fate conto la donna barbuta. Lo stabilì l’antipatico critico F. R. Leavis compilando il suo Canone, e negli anni 50 non bisognava neanche aggiungere “Occidentale”: nessuna minoranza sgomitava, l’arte di offendersi non era stata perfezionata. (Mariarosa Mancuso) (Translation)
Still in Italy, Ultima Voce tells the story of Charlotte Brontë's 'little book'.

Screen Rant ranks Sir Laurence Olivier's '10 Most Iconic Roles' and number 10 is
Heathcliff: Wuthering Heights
In Wuthering Heights, two young best friends Healthfciff (Laurence Olivier) and Cathy (Merle Oberton) grow up together in Yorkshire. When they become adults, Cathy breaks the poorHeathcliff's heart by marrying a wealthy man. Heathcliff becomes obsessed with a form of vengeance which eventually leads to a fatal tragedy.
The film does a good job of exploring jealousy and class disparity. The manner in which Olivier switches from charming man to an almost psychotic beast is simply breathtaking. Interestingly, he couldn't get along with director William Wyler during filming. For his role as Heathcliff, he received a Best Actor nomination at the Academy Awards. (Philip Etemesi)
Screen Rant also recommends the '10 Best Michael Fassbender Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes'. And again on number 10:
Jane Eyre (84%)
Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowski in Jane Eyre
Fassbender is an actor who feels at home in a story from any period. In Jane Eyre, he helped bring one of the most intriguing literary characters to life in the story of a young woman who is sent to work for a reclusive master Rochester (Fassbender). As she grows closer to the man, she learns of his darker secrets.
The movie skillfully balances a tricky tone between feeling elegant and romantic as well as eerie and foreboding. Mia Wasikowska received a lot of praise for her powerful performance as the titular character while Fassbender provided a complex love interest. (Colin McCormick)


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