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Friday, January 03, 2020

Southern Daily Echo announces the spring season of the Nuffield Southampton Theatres:
Announcing the spring season, Director of Nuffield Southampton Theatres, Sam Hodges, said: “This is a season of radical new versions of much-loved texts with Blood of the Young’s hilarious and moving Pride & Prejudice* (*sort of), Rhum & Clay’s thrilling, shape-shifting The War of the Worlds and Inspector Sands’ sensory Wuthering Heights.  (...)
Channelling Emily Brontë’s piercing wit and fierce emotion, Inspector Sands present this classic story of obsessive love and revenge in a thrilling new version of Wuthering Heights for our times, running from May 11 to 23. (Lorelei Reddin)
Katie Flack, a librarian at the Central Library in Bradenton, publishes an article at the Bradenton Herald anticipating Anne Brontë's bicentenary:
On Jan. 17, we celebrate the 200th birthday of English author and poet Anne Brontë, the youngest of the well-known Brontë sisters. Under the alias Acton Bell, Brontë wrote two powerful novels, “Agnes Grey” and “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall,” as well as numerous poems. Her lack of literary notice relative to her sisters, Emily and Charlotte, is due to a series of unfortunate circumstances that would shape Anne’s career and legacy. (...)
Her sister Charlotte, by that time a highly famed author, became the executor of her literary works. This would be a detriment to Anne’s legacy, as her sister disliked “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” and would not allow it to be republished. Despite these obstacles, new generations are starting to praise and study Anne Brontë’s small collection of works and give posthumous accolades to the youngest of the Brontës.
Thrillist recommends a Yorkshire visit (we concur):
Sylvia Plath is buried in Heptonstall and poet Ted Hughes was born in Mytholmroyd -- he also evoked Hebden Bridge’s Stubbing Wharf pub in dreary detail in a poem of (almost) the same name -- while the Brontë’s have a whole swathe of the Yorkshire countryside dedicated to them. Learn more about their lives at the Brontë Parsonage, but don’t overlook one of the most recent writers evoking Yorkshire in poetic prose: Ben Myers. Pack a paperback of Under The Rock as reading fodder and gain some perspective on the landscapes you’re traversing. (...)
Find the real Wuthering Heights -- or, at least, the landscapes that were said to have inspired Emily Brontë -- at rugged Top Withens in Haworth, a town twinned (somewhat surprisingly) with Machu Picchu, Peru. (Lauren Cocking)
The Philadelphia Inquirer recalls an anecdote about the late Senator John McCain:
Then there was the late Sen. John McCain. In 1965, two years before becoming a Vietnam prisoner of war — and 43 years before losing the 2008 presidential election — McCain lost on the original Jeopardy! show hosted by Art Fleming. McCain won the first day he was on the show, but lost the next day when he failed to correctly answer a Final Jeopardy question about the Emily Brontë novel Wuthering Heights. (Mensah M. Dean)
Daily Times (Pakistan) recommends classic literature authors:
Emily Brontë — although she only wrote one novel she has to be one of the best writers of her time. One thing I love about her is the dark humour she uses in the story. The raw passion and brutality of her characters draw you in and make it impossible to let go, and I found them to be real and easy to connect with. It is one of those books where you love to hate the villain and in my opinion those are the best ones.(Minaal Mohsin Maan)
The Australian praises Dame Judith Anderson:
and to cap everything off she gave what actor Peter Eyre described as one of the most vivid performances in the history of the world: the sinister housekeeper, Mrs Danvers, in Hitchcock's 1940 tribute to post-Brontë-style Gothic romance, Rebecca. (Peter Craven)
The Harvard Crimson reviews Greta Gerwig's Little Women:
Jo’s decision was never about being anti-men, but about subverting the male-dependent nature of the entire genre of inevitably romantic stories about women. By finding her fulfillment not in the perfect relationship, but in her writing and her career, Jo as a character championed a new vision of happiness that was just as fulfilling as Austen’s or Brontë’s. (Joy C. Ashford)
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner discusses the upcoming opening of The Word Museum in Washington D.C. with a nice blunder:
Emily Brontë (sic)  forewent that aspersion in “Jane Eyre,” but the Planet Word Museum’s library will need abundant shelving since “Eyre’s” been translated 593 times in 57 languages, including 29 times in Iran since 1980. The “Jane Eyre” title has also been recast in different tongues so that in Japanese the book’s known as “An Ideal Lady,” in Italian it’s “The Shut Door,” and in Turkish “Happiness Comes After Many Years.” (Greg Hill)
She the People (India) talks about the recent Women Writers' Fest:
On the panel discussion about ‘Women Past, Women Present, Women Future’, poet and academician Madhuri Maitra spoke about being an army brat and having had a lot of inspiring women around her. Anna Karenina and Jane Eyre are among her favourite protagonists. (Archana Pai Kulkarni)
Spokane Favs reviews Star Wars. The Rise of Skywalker. Beware Spoilers Ahead.
I didn’t want Ben to die, because to me he was Rochester, Dracula, The Phantom, The Crow, Orpheus, Heathcliff and every Dark Lord antihero ever rolled up into one person. (Kelly Rae Matthews)
324 (in Catalan) includes Anne Brontë in a list of this year's anniversaries:
Encara fa més anys del naixement d'Anne Brontë, la germana petita de la Charlotte i l'Emily, també escriptores. L'autora d'"Agnes Grey" va néixer fa dos segles (17 de gener del 1820). Es dona la circumstància que la seva germana gran, la Charlotte Brontë, autora de "Jane Eyre", va morir fa 165 anys (31 de març de 1855). (Jordi Aguilera) (Translation)
Infobae (in Spanish) reviews Margo Blantz's El Texto Encuentra un Cuerpo:
Así atraviesa de Choderlos de Laclos (Las relaciones peligrosas) al Marqués de Sade (Los 120 días de Sodoma), de Jane Austen (La abadía de Northanger) a Emily Brontë (Cumbres borrascosas), de Roland Barthes (Fragmentos de un discurso amoroso) a Virginia Woolf (La señora Dalloway). (Patricio Zunini) (Translation)
Timeout (Spain) suggests Greta Gerwig adapts the whole Brontë canon:
¡Hay tantas novelas con personajes femeninos potentes que podrían volver a las pantallas con el toque Gerwig! Sin pensar en ello demasiado, se me ocurre que podría sumergirse en la literatura de las hermanas Brontë. ¿Cómo verías, Greta, una adaptación de las 'Cumbres borrascosas' d’Emily Brontë, con una Catherine interpretada, evidentemente, por Saoirse Ronan? En cambio, Timothée Chalamet es demasiado blando y urbano para ser un buen Heathcliff. ¡Ya encontraremos otro! ¿Tom Hardy? Mejor. De Charlotte Brontë, ¿te apetece poner nuevas imágenes a 'Jane Eyre'? Y estoy convencido de que una película tuya contribuiría a la popularización de 'La inquilina de Wildfell Hall', de Anne Brontë, que protagoniza la viuda Helen Graham. (Pere Vall) (Translation) 
Well, as a matter of fact, Tom Hardy was already a Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights 2009.

Morgenblandet (Norway) reviews a new Norwegian translation of Wuthering Heights:
Jeg kan ikke huske å ha lest noen roman som er like storslått dramatisk som Emily Brontës Wuthering Heights (1847). Intensitetsnivået i den uforglemmelige kjærlighetsfortellingen om Heathcliff og Catherine er nesten komisk høyt. Bla opp på hvilken som helst side og sjansen er enorm for at den vil åpne med et «’Du vil heller hamne i helvete!’ sa han» eller et «’Hald kjeft!’ sa kjeltringen». Men intensiteten er aldri for høy: Dette er en helt fantastisk fortelling. For noen uker siden satt jeg på bar sammen med noen svært beleste venner og samtalen dreiet inn på det lett absurde spørsmålet om hvilken roman som er verdens beste, uansett tid og språk. Brontës eneste bok, utgitt under mannlig pseudonym året før hun døde av tuberkulose i en alder av 30, var en selvsagt kandidat for flere av oss. (Bernhard Ellefsen) (Translation)
Comics Beat anticipates the best comics of the year, including Isabelle Greenberg's Glass TownTravel+Leisure mentions that Broughton Castle was used as a filming location in Jane Eyre 2011. Teen Librarian interviews Tanya Landman, author of a new and upcoming retelling of Jane Eyre:
Caroline Fielding: Did you love the original story when you first read it?
I actually can’t remember the first time I read Jane Eyre but it’s a book I’ve gone back to time and time again. It is such a good story. Cruelty, death, disaster, romance, horror – Jane Eyre has got it all. And I just love Jane – her righteous fury and magnificent strength of character – she’s always felt like a close, personal friend. She’s not some vapid princess who needs rescuing – she’s quite capable of doing that herself, thank you very much. It’s a very empowering message for readers.


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