
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Friday 17th January - Woodend​ 

 5.30 - 6.30pm  The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, lecture by Tim Tubbs
7pm - 8pm  'Tracking The Brontë's' Eddie Lawler and Elaine Minns

Saturday 18th January - Woodend 
2pm - 3pm     'Tracking The Brontë's', Eddie Lawler and Elaine Minns -  £5 - Booking advisable
3.30pm - 5pm  Talk by Brontë Author Catherine Rayner -  'Buried in Paradise' - Followed by Q+A
7pm - 8.30pm  Talk by Anne Brontë Biographer - Edward Chitham -  Anne Brontë's Poetry - Followed by Q+A  - Free  entry but  booking advisable

​Sunday 19th January - Grand Hotel 
10.30 - 11.00 Introduction - Dr. Patsy Stoneman - Vice President of the Brontë Society
11.15 - 11.45   Interwoven Worlds -  ' Warp' 
Immerse yourself, Eye to Eye, Mind to Mind -Heart to Heart, as professional storyteller Jan Bee Brown, weaves her stories that inspired Anne Brontë by the people and places that surrounded her.  Local folk tales and legends from Cornwall,  Ireland and Yorkshire.  Inspired by Aunt Branwell, Patrick and Tabby.
12 - 1.15    Forum for discussion with Brontë Authors and experts, Edward Chitham, Catherine Rayner, Dr. Patsy Stoneman, Trish Gurney.
1.45 - 2.45   Interwoven Worlds -'' Weft'
Immerse yourself, Eye to Eye, Mind to Mind -Heart to Heart, as professional storyteller Jan Bee Brown, weaves her stories that inspired Anne Brontë by the people and places that surrounded her. Inspired by the stories from magazines and books she would have read at different times in her life from Blackwoods, Sir Walter Scott, poets Tennyson, Coleridge and Dickens.
2.30  Write a word on a Pebble - available throughout the day
2.45/3   Walk to the Beach - throw your pebble and make a wish.
Walk Continues up to St. Mary's Churchyard and Anne's  Grave.
One mile walk, much of it up steep steps and pathway. Reasonable fitness required. Not suitable for wheelchairs.  Alternatively,  meet at  Anne's grave, St. Mary's at 4pm.
4.00    St. Mary's Church - Trish Gurney, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Brontë Society, poem reading - flower laying.
4.15    'Go Back With Me', Debut of musical composition by Sarah Dew, commissioned by the Brontë Parsonage Museum as part of their exhibition 'Go Back With Me'.
4.30    Closing words - Dr. Patsy Stoneman,
Tea, Coffee,  mingling..... 
5.00  CLOSE


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