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Thursday, September 05, 2019

Thursday, September 05, 2019 10:30 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Travel recommends '10 Must-Visit Destinations In The U.K. For Any Book-Loving Traveler':
The British Library
The British Library, which is located in London, is the biggest national library on the planet, with 170 to 200 million items. While a true book lover would be pleased to be around this many books, no matter what they were, this library takes things up a notch by having some exclusive works on display.
There is a Gutenberg Bible, as well as manuscripts of classics like Canterbury Tales, Jane Eyre and Alice's Adventures Under Ground. There are two copies of Magna Carta from the year 1215, as well as Diamond Sutra, the earliest-dated book that was printed. The only manuscript copy that is left of the poem Beowulf can also be found here. [...]
Brontë Parsonage Museum
Another house museum worth checking out actually belonged to three famous siblings: Charlotte (author of Jane Eyre), Emily (author of Wuthering Heights) and Anne (author of Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall) Brontë. The Brontë Parsonage Museum is located in Haworth, West Yorkshire, and in the late 1800s, it was decided that artifacts and documents pertaining and belonging to these women should be saved.
Therefore, The Brontë Society was formed, and thanks to this group, this museum exists and displays iconic pieces such as the mahogany desk that Charlotte sat at when writing. (Bri Thomas)
If you are looking forward to reading Margaret Atwood's The Testaments, beware of spoilers in this review by Los Angeles Times.
But cloistered lives encourage betrayal. Writing these stories in her private sanctum, alongside her forbidden favorite novels (“Jane Eyre,” “Anna Karenina,” “Lives of Girls and Women”), Lydia plans the downfall of the republic. (Susan Straight)
The Testaments is on a list of September releases in Italy compiled by Libreriamo, as well as
Morgana, Michela Murgia e Chiara Tagliaferri
Il podcast di Michela Murgia e Chiara Tagliaferro diventa un libro, e le storie di Moana Pozzi, Santa Caterina, Grace Jones, le sorelle Brontë, Moira Orfei, Tonya Harding, Marina Abramovic, Shirley Temple, Vivienne Westwood, Zaha Hadid tornano a farci sentire la loro irriducibile presenza. Dieci donne controcorrente, strane, pericolose, esagerate, difficili da collocare. Nelle pagine di questo libro è nascosta silenziosamente una speranza: ogni volta che la società ridefinisce i termini della libertà femminile, arriva una Morgana a spostarli ancora e ancora, finché il confine e l’orizzonte non saranno diventati la stessa cosa. (Translation)
American Theatre interviews playwright Adrienne Kennedy.
Well, when I grew up in Cleveland, it was an immigrant neighborhood—immigrant and Black. It was an Italian and Black school. Of course, all of the teachers were white. There was only one Black schoolteacher in the Cleveland public school system in the ’30s and early ’40s. So it’s really the British writers that I was influenced by: Charles Dickens, the Brontës. When we were in junior high school, we read all those people. Wordsworth, Shelley. For better or for worse, those are the people that I saw as writers.
Those were your first encounters with literature? Most definitely. Even though my father was always reading me Paul Laurence Dunbar and Langston Hughes, European literature was what was taught at Ohio State. There was only one black writer that we even looked at, and that was Richard Wright. I think the British writers…Hamlet is my favorite play. Jane Eyre is my favorite novel. It’s those childhood things. It’s childhood.
That’s what I meant, about the Gothic-ness in this play. It sort of reminds me of the Brontës. Like Wuthering Heights, which is one of my favorite novels ever. And in your play, the children are burdened with their parents’ tragedy. They’re trying to reconstruct it, illuminate it somehow, in order to save themselves but then they’re sort of swept up in the tempest of it by its very telling. Again, it’s my mother with her Lucky Strike cigarette, sitting there. She would just tell me stories about all of those people in that town. Her stories to me are very much like the monologues in all my plays. [...]
What is it about a landscape that speaks to you in that way? That feels very Brontë-esque, too. Their whole thing was the moors, the moors, the moors…
I think I’m still trying to imitate that! I really do. I’ve been to several writers’ houses. I’ve been to O’Neill’s house, and to the Brontë cottage [sic]…I ran upon the heather. I mean, I was old, I was in my 60s! (Branden Jacobs-Jenkins)
C.A. Gray posts about Jane Eyre.


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