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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday, August 11, 2019 1:24 am by M. in ,    No comments
New Brontë-related scholar publications:
Origen del feminismo en la novela victoriana.
Estudio ginocrítico de Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë
Lola Jacqueline Carrillo Elkin
Trabajo Fin de Máster leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2017/2018

El trabajo, que finalmente he titulado Origen del feminismo en la novela victoriana, consiste en un análisis literario de la novela Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë desde la ginocrítica como alude el  subtítulo del mismo. Tal como se explicará en el apartado del Marco Teórico, la ginocrítica  es una técnica de crítica literaria feminista basada en relacionar la obra analizada con la  biografía de la autora. La intención es la de comprobar cuáles son y como entran en funcionamiento los mecanismos de reivindicación feminista en la obra, estudiando particularmente el uso de elementos góticos aplicados a este fin. Justificando con ello en todo lo posible la propuesta de que en Jane Eyre encontramos una de las primeras novelas de la literatura inglesa del siglo XIX que incorpora un discurso feminista de fondo —ya que como veremos al margen de la literatura de ficción existían ensayos feministas desde el siglo anterior—.
Finding A Voice: Transition From Jane Eyre To Wide Sargasso Sea
Gurvandna RM Singh and  Dr. Jyoti Sharma
International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, Vol 7 No 7 (2019): Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2019

The 19th century canonical text, Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Brontë in 1847 is set in England and displays some attitudes of an English writer of her times. Yet more importantly, the novelist moves to a greater awareness of a changing world and is in fact a part of the change. She sets out to redefine some of the commonly held norms of the time, especially in the recasting of roles of women who had been marginalized for centuries. This novel serves as a source of inspiration for Jean Rhys’ novel Wide Sargasso Sea written in 1966 - more than a hundred years after Charlotte Brontë’s novel. The novel picks up the story of Bertha Mason, who, in Jane Eyre, had not been given a voice and was presented as a mad woman who was confined to the attic at Thornfield Hall. Rhys gives us in detail, the point of view of Bertha, a Creole and sets her novel in West Indies. The action moves to England only at the end of the novel after Antoinette is declared mad. In Wide Sargasso Sea new perspectives on feminism emerge. Issues of race and colonialism that were only suggested in passing in the older novel, take the center stage in the 20th century novel. The objective of this paper is to juxtapose these two novels and see how their authors raise questions about issues of marginalization, feminism, race and colonization. The inter-textuality opens out a new arena for re-defining, re-locating and re-emphasizing older boundaries.


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