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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:17 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Books for July, recommendations of the Christian Science Monitor:
The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry
A lawyer is saddled with bailing out his younger brother, a professor who brings to life characters from books by famed authors such as Dickens, Wilde, Austen, and Brontë. When a stranger with a similar gift threatens everything, wild adventures ensue in this imaginative and heartfelt novel.
Palatinate features five women that Jacob Rees-Mogg 'forgot' (surprise, surprise) in his recent book The Victorians:
Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë
Perhaps the most well-known names to feature in this list, the Brontës were popular figures of the nineteenth century, and their works are still heavily prevalent in modern day culture. Originally writing under male pseudonyms, the Brontë sisters widely had to conform to the patriarchal condition of society. Yet, their gender did not prevent their success, and Charlotte, Emily and Anne all went on to write critically acclaimed novels, the most notable being Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall respectively. The genders of the authors were frequently questioned, and Charlotte went on to reveal her true identity in 1848. (Rhiannon Green)
The Runner and the purchased essay:
The Runner purchased a paper from EduBirdie to find out more about the validity of the claims made by the website, as well as to evaluate the ethics behind essay-buying services in general. (...)
The essay ordered from EduBirdie by The Runner was for a second-year English assignment—a 1,000-word essay on the topic of Jane Eyre. The writer, known only by their screen name “Samantha1,” was chosen because they offered one of the lowest prices (approximately $190), had a nearly five-star rating from previous users, and had reportedly completed more than 6,000 essays for EduBirdie.
Out of six topic options provided for the assignment, “Samantha1” chose topic number 4: “Both ‘foils’ and ‘doubles’ operate in Jane Eyre as contrasts and/or reflections of its central characters. Write an essay focusing on the significance of a foil or double in relation to one of the novel’s central themes.” (...)
[Dr. Gillian] Bright adds that her teaching method strongly emphasizes the importance of interpreting the text rather than summarizing it or explaining the traits of the characters in the novel. According to her, the essay purchased from EduBirdie was largely an explanation of the personalities found in Jane Eyre. (Lisa Hedmark)
Psychology Today explores TV series for reducing stress:
We moved on to Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre and Downton Abbey. Walks, tea and working it out in your own mind, rather than "let's talk about it" are frequent responses to stress for these characters. Worry about offending others, well-chosen words, and distilled phrases are a theme. Pause and reflection and the use of ritual to work out problems seems to be a built in quality. Classical works do usually deliver in some way, but there is something about the self-control in these characters that feels particularly compelling. (Carrie Barron M.D.)
Movietele (Italy) reviews Crazy in Love at the Lonely Hearts Bookshop by Annie Darling:
Edito da Sperling & Kupfer, Innamorarsi in libreria è il nuovo romanzo di Annie Darling che vi porterà nella vita di Nina, moderna pin-up alla ricerca del suo Heathcliff. (...)
Con un tatuaggio-citazione di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie e una cotta irrefrenabile per l'Heathcliff di Cime Tempestose, Nina esce ogni sera nella speranza di incontrare la sua anima gemella e per far questo si affida all'applicazione creata dal marito di Posy. Ma attenzione: perché l'anima gemella di Nina non è una persona facile, né da trovare né da gestire. La ragazza, infatti, sogna un amore tragico e struggente come quello di Heatchliff e Cathy nel capolavoro di Emily Brontë. (...)
Il risultato è un romanzo da leggere tutto d'un fiato, che rende la ricerca del vero amore una passeggiata divertente in una Londra fatta di piccoli negozi, pub rumorosi, ma anche scorsi che non sfigurerebbero se messi a confronto con quelli di Cime Tempestose. (Erika Pomella) (Translation)
Infobae (Argentina) informs about an upcoming course on Gothic literature which includes the Brontës
 Para Inés Arteta, "Welty, O´Connor, McCullers, las Brönte (sic), Shelley, Austen y Woolf tienen en común el gótico como medio de expresión y un talento fuera de serie como para lograr que el arte les permita zafarse de los corsets de sociedades que esperaban que la mujer fuese dócil y complaciente". (Translation)
Kent Online, Waterford Live and The Connexion report the local Most Wuthering Heights Day events. Cabalgando entre Libros (in Spanish) reviews Wuthering Heights.


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