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Monday, May 27, 2019

Monday, May 27, 2019 7:50 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
The Daily Mail considers the fact that 'midlife' women have their portraits painted newsworthy. Is it? Should it?
I love Brontë novels about plain governesses, who demand the right to a rich interior life, and refuse to accept the fate laid down for them. And I think Philippa has captured that. Every day I walk past my portrait. This woman, who I both am, and am not, has taken up residence in my house. And heart. She’ll be with me for ever. (Liz Hoggard)
Here's how Aftonbladet (Sweden) sums up Caitlin Moran's books:
Konsten att bli känd hänger ihop med de tidigare böckerna Konsten att bli kvinna (2012) och Konsten att skapa en tjej (2014), och bubblar fram på Morans ­karakteristiska ordrika, metaforstinna och drastiskt muntra prosa. Här finns allt från teorier om systrarna Brontës ”chiffrerade sätt att skriva om onani”, till obetalbart pricksäkra iakttagelser om varningssignaler i killars ­lägenheter – Betty Blue-planscher och Hunter S Thompson-böcker är lika med att ”här bor en snubbe som hatar kvinnor”. (Malin Krutmeijer) (Translation)
Brisbane Times reviews the Harry Potter parody Puffs.
The idea is good: take the minor characters in a well-known work and put them centre stage.
Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead took bit-players from Hamlet, Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea took Jane Eyre’s mad Mrs Rochester, while Ricky Gervais made an entire series about sidelined figures in Extras. The approach can produce rewarding work. (Joyce Morgan)
AnneBrontë.org posts about the Brontës and Queen Victoria.


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