
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Stabroek News (Guyana) talks about Kevin Garbaran, a young writer who has been shortlisted for 2019 Commonwealth Short Story Prize:
He admires the works of Arundhati Roy and Emily Brontë, which he finds very impactful. (Lakhram Baghirat)
IndieWire reviews the musical film Guava Island:
Deni’s last name is Maroon, which brings to mind a passage from Jean Rhys’ Jamaica-set, anti-colonial novel “Wide Sargasso Sea”: “Now we are marooned, what will become of us?” The word “marooned” is often used to describe those trapped on an island, and in Jamaica it was also the name for runaway slaves. (Michael Nordine)
Daily Mail on several British tribute bands:
A postie who moves like Jagger. A bewigged Blondie clone (called Debbie Harris!). And a teacher who soars to Wuthering Heights. Event meets the UK's biggest rock 'n' roll copycats. (Adrian Deevoy)
Precisely, VillageSoup talks about the recent release of Kate Bush rarities, The Other Sides:
A remix of Bush's other well-known song, "Wuthering Heights," appears on the third CD and includes a new vocal from "The Whole Story." (Tom Von Malder)
Now, the daily dose of After reviews:
Gli ingredienti di una storia d’amore ci sono tutti: una bella ragazza casta e timida, un ragazzo tenebroso e ribelle, che proviene da una famiglia ricca e potente, un campus universitario multi razziale in cui si studiano i classici della letteratura, dai romanzi della Brontë a “Orgoglio e pregiudizio”. (Malpensa24) (Translation)
Hardin (a name that’s hard not to make a dirty joke about) is your stereotypical bad boy with a secret intellectual side. He loves to read classic novels such as Wuthering Heights.  (Amanda Steele in Fansided)
Lei è innocente, ingenua e pura. Lui bellissimo, acculturato (legge «Cime tempestose», «Orgoglio e pregiudizio», «Il grande Gatsby») e mai impaziente di fare sesso… (Gianluigi Negri in Gazzatta di Parma) (Translation)
On the page and screen, Tessa is known for her intelligence (something her mother, played by Selma Blair, doesn’t want her to squander); she first warms to Hardin when she finds a worn copy of Wuthering Heights in his bedroom. (Kesea Stahler in Refinery29)
The Daily Beast on Britain's new 'hottest' new rapper, Jimothy Lacoste:
“Rocking Burberry socks, now I’m feeling hella English,” raps Jimothy on his latest track, Getting Burberry Socks. The fashion brand, like Jimothy himself, has built its riches on Brit nostalgia, with advertising campaigns that feature male models dressed as Beefeaters—the Queen’s official guards—in fluffy black hats and postbox-red jackets; in others, young lovers in ruffled shirts prance around England’s green (and pleasant) land like fantasies from a Brontë novel. (Hannah Moore)

CN24TV (Italy) reviews a Italian production of Chekhov's The Seagull:
In una dimensione onirica e metatetrale Marcel (nei suoi panni Massimo Ranieri), critico musicale, entra ne “Il gabbiano” di Cechov e incontra i suoi personaggi. Prendono vita, simili a fantasmi, uscendo da quinte nere, fra nuvole e nebbie dagli echi brontiani di Cime Tempestose.
A visitor complains in Keighley News about the 'shocking' state of the public toilets in the Brontë Parsonage Museum car park. Literature and motherhood are discussed (with a brief Brontë passing mention) in El Periódico (Spain).

Reading in the Wings and Eclectictales review Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre respectively. WriteNOW! posts a video speculating about the date when this iconic picture of the Haworth Parsonage was taken.


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