
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Sunday, March 03, 2019 12:18 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Female writers who wrote under male pseudonyms in the Free Press Journal:
Charlotte, Emily and Anne—the Brontë sisters as they are popularly called in the literary world—first published their works under male aliases Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell, respectively. The reason being that the literary world was particularly male-dominated (still is, or else Rowling wouldn’t feel the need to write under a different name) and masculine-sounding names made their works more acceptable in society. According to reports, Charlotte Brontë had once said, “We did not like to declare ourselves women, because – without at that time suspecting that our mode of writing and thinking was not what is called ‘feminine’ – we had a vague impression that authoresses are liable to be looked on with prejudice.” Nevertheless, Charlotte wrote Wuthering Heights, Emily wrote Jane Eyre and Anne wrote The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Agnes Grey under their own names. (Manasi Y Mastakar)
El Comercio (Perú) makes a similar point discussing the life and work of Georges Sand:
Las vanguardias feministas tienen en Sand una precursora insuficientemente reconocida. Su nombre real, como se sabe, fue Aurora Dupin, pero adoptó el seudónimo masculino para hacerse visible en el circuito literario francés del XIX, donde las mujeres no tenían cabida. Al mismo recurso recurrieron en Inglaterra las hermanas Brontë, haciéndose pasar por ‘los hermanos Bell’. (Renato Cisneros) (Translation)
The Deccan Herald (India) interviews the writer Ruskin Bond:
Chethana Dinesh: Your favourite authors...
RB: Well, going back to the classics, I grew up on (Charles) Dickens, I’ve read all the works of Dickens… thoroughly enjoyed them. Now, actually, I get a bit bogged down when I try to read Dickens. I enjoyed Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights… that was one of my favourites.
The Telegraph & Argus talks about the upcoming Bradford's Fairtrade Fortnight:
Events this year across the district include a Fairtrade stall in Baildon Co-op promoting Fairtrade in four local schools, a Fairtrade breakfast at Bradford Cathedral, a Fairtrade afternoon tea and chocolate tasting at St. John’s Church, Ben Rhydding.
“On March 17 there’s a Fairtrade and Brontë Society walk from Thornton to Haworth, celebrating the Reverend Patrick Brontë and focusing on his social reform campaigning, including universal education,” says Karen [Palframan]. (Helen Mead)
The West Virginia Gazette Mail recommends books with romantic couples:
Some of the greatest romances happen in the pages of books. Will Jane Eyre end up with Mr. Rochester? Will Rhett return to Scarlett? A number of classic couples have been featured recently, but many remain. The reader’s investment in the ups and downs of the relationship make it hard to put the book down. (Elizabeth Fraser)
The Telegraph interviews MP Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools:
[Nick] Gibb hopes to rekindle his grand plan for every school to invest in copies of 100 classics, which he refers to as 'the canon' and includes Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre. (Anita Singh)
The latest events in Coronation Street on Manchester Evening News:
But Mary has always carried a torch for Norris and in one of their most memorable storylines earlier in their friendship an infatuated Mary kidnapped Norris in plot similar to the novel Misery.
And she fantasised about her and Norris being Weatherfield's answer to Heathcliffe and Cathy from Wuthering Heights. (Katie Fitzpatrick)
Food52 interviews the Great British Baking Show winner, Edd Kimber:
Katie Quinn: What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday or Sunday in Yorkshire?
EK: If the weather was nice, when I was younger my family would go for walks in the Yorkshire Dales, a beautiful countryside full of rolling hills and moorland. It might not have huge mountain ranges but it’s absolutely beautiful. You could also visit one of the many beautiful villages that scatter the county. Places like Grassington, or Haworth (which is better known as Brontë country named after its famous residents). Yorkshire is an area full of history so it’s a beautiful place to visit and explore our Victorian past. You could even delve further back into the past and visit the capital of the region, York, which has both Roman and Viking history all over the city.
The Northern Echo recommends a walk across Oxenhope and Brontë country.

El Espectador (Colombia) talks about the writer Maryse Condé:
La frase estalló en su cabeza como un golpe que no avisa. Maryse Condé no entendió qué quiso decir la amiga de su mamá cuando ella le dio las gracias por regalarle un libro de Emily Brontë. La joven Maryse le expresó su deseo de convertirse en una gran escritora. Entonces la mujer le dijo: “La gente como nosotros no escribe”.  (Sorayda Peguero Isaac) (Translation)
El Periódico de Catalunya (Spain) is concerned about 'the madwoman in the attic' concept:
Si la novela es el espejo de la sociedad, es comprensible, pues, que las grandes obras del siglo XIX rebosen de féminas desquiciadas, como en ‘Jane Eyre’, de Charlotte Brontë, donde la primera esposa del señor Rochester, enajenada, prende fuego a la mansión de Thornfield Hall. Ella es la criolla lasciva, la loca del desván que acabó titulando un ensayo canónico del feminismo: ‘The Madwoman in the Attic’. Publicado en 1979, en sus páginas las profesoras Sandra M. Gilbert y Susan Gubar se dedican a escudriñar la obra de varias escritoras decimonónicas y detectan al cabo la existencia de una imaginación específicamente femenina que abunda en imágenes de encierro y fuga, en la existencia de dobles locas que suplantan yoes dóciles y en la descripción minuciosa de enfermedades como la anorexia y la agorafobia. (Olga Merino) (Translation)


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