A new production of Blake Morrison's
We Are Three Sisters opens tomorrow in Skipton:
Skipton Players presents
We Are Three Sisters
by Blake Morrison
Skipton Little Theatre
19th to 23rd February 2019
Poet, playwright and novelist Blake Morrison evokes the lives of the Brontë sisters, with a nod to Chekhov’s Three Sisters.
Against the backdrop of a windswept northern village, three remarkable young women live their lives brightly.
In Haworth in the 1840s, in a gloomy parsonage, where there are neither curtains nor comforts, Charlotte, Anne and Emily Brontë light up their world with outspoken wit, aspirations, dreams and ideas. And throughout their confined lives intensely lived… they write.
With a touch of poetic licence, Morrison shows us the overwhelming humanity, charged emotions and brooding unease which characterise the Brontë household – and that of Chekhov’s Three Sisters.
Keighley News and
Craven Herald have further information.
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