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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 9:49 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Readings (Australia) recommends four 'memoirs about books and reading', including
Books That Saved My Life: Reading for Wisdom, Solace and Pleasure by Michael McGirr
Writer, teacher and book reviewer Michael McGirr is phenomenally well-read, and he puts those years of experience to very fine service in this richly furnished memoir. Prepare for personal encounters with War and Peace, Middlemarch, Jane Eyre, the poetry of John Shaw Neilson, Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling and much more besides. (Mike Shuttleworth)
My Theatre Mates reviews Rachel Harper’s one-woman play Rattled at the Old Red Lion Theatre, London.
Her story unfolds very plausibly as a stream of consciousness, meandering from one memory to another and punctuated by musings on everything from Wuthering Heights to the parenting habits of orangutans. It all sounds random, unplanned – but in reality, not one word is wasted in this tightly constructed piece of writing. (Liz Dyer)
Onirik (France) reviews Michèle Calméjane Schneiter's take on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Je me souviens de Pemberley.
On ne va pas vous raconter l’histoire pour que vous gardiez le plaisir de la découverte, mais on peut sans crainte vous révéler qu’il y a aussi du Jane Eyre dedans, l’influence est palpable, insistante. Mais ce n’est pas pour déplaire, au contraire, l’intrigue n’en est que plus resserrée. Michèle Calméjane Schneiter n’hésite pas à malmener les personnages, les pousser dans leurs retranchements, tirant aux maximum les fils de l’histoire, avec une certaine audace. (Claire) (Translation)
University Observer refers to the Brontës' use of pseudonyms while Etcétera (Mexico) broaches the same subject... with a blunder.
pero hay que resaltar a Emily Brontë, autora de “Cumbres borrascosas” publicada con el pseudónimo Currer. (Marco Levario Turcott) (Translation)


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