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Friday, January 04, 2019

Friday, January 04, 2019 7:30 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph & Argus talks about this year's Auld Lang Syne race:
First run in 1984, the race starts in the bottom of the old Penistone quarry above Haworth in the heart of Brontë Land.
The link with the Brontës is continued as the route follows part of the Brontë Way before veering off and down the valley to cross South Dean Beck, fed from the Brontë Falls.
Racers must negotiate a sharp incline towards Bully Trees farm, where the race turns left and heads out across the moor towards Top Withins. (Su Thompson)
Still local, Transported Designed has a #AYearOfBuses list:
Running through the heart of Brontë Country and across rolling hillsides to scenic Hebden Bridge, The Keighley Bus Company’s Brontëbus B3 is the third entry on our list for #AYearOfBuses.
The countryside south of Keighley out towards Haworth, Oxenhope and Hebden Bridge is simply spectacular – and with the first half of the B3 running parallel to the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, there’s plenty of opportunities to hop between scenic bus and a steam train along the way.
With its narrow, steep Main Street, Haworth is charming and known the world over for the Brontë sisters – Charlotte, Emily and Anne – who wrote most of their famous works while living at Haworth Parsonage, now a museum along the route of the B3, owned by the Brontë Society. And at the western end of the route, the former textile town of Hebden Bridge boasts a stunningly well-preserved rail station, featuring authentic signage in the original Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway style. (Matt Harrison)
The New Republic reviews the graphic novel Berlin by Jason Lutes:
It’s not an accident that Severing and Muller have different experiences of the city. Berlin belongs to the great tradition of the urban novel, which runs from Dickens’s Bleak House to Alfred Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz. But as the critic Roger Sale noted in 2000 in the journal Left History, this tradition is highly gendered. Sale wrote that “the high modern conviction that cities are breeding grounds for alienation and despair” tends to come from male writers and filmmakers.
Sale pointed out that we should “[s]et against all that: Lucy Snowe coming to London in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette, or Toni Morrison’s account of southern blacks coming to Harlem in Jazz, or Mrs. Dalloway setting out across London to order her flowers, or Martha Quest coming to London at the opening of The Four-Gated City. All these women characters and writers acknowledge the reasons for alienation and despair, the overwhelming confusion of large cities, but they know also a sense of richness, of possibility, in the very qualities the men deplore.” (Jeet Heer)
The Morning Journal chooses the best plays in Northeast Ohio:
 Best Design-Lighting and Sound: Benjamin Gantose (lighting)/Carlton Guc (sound), “Jane Eyre” — Cleveland Musical Theatre
Any stage version of a weighty, timeworn Victorian novel is likely to come up comparatively short in terms of content, context and authorial voice. Such complex storytelling is not easy to capture in the short form typical of live theater. To compensate, the new streamlined rendition of Paul Gordon and John Caird’s musical “Jane Eyre” — which received its world premiere by Cleveland Musical Theatre, a recently formed professional production company — saturated the stage with extraordinary and ominous theatricality courtesy of impressive stagecraft. Benjamin Gantose’s gothic lighting design was instrumental in capturing the tenor of Eyre’s memories, resulting in a dark, delicate and disarming musical. (Bob Abelman)
This Stage L.A. posts a video where
Playwright Jami Brandli discusses Sisters Three, an off-center dramedy about family, social media, and fame that pays homage to the Brontë sisters and their brother Patrick. Directed by Annie McVey, starring Robyn Cohen, Dana DeRuyck and Kara Hume. Plays through Jan 20 at VS. Theatre on Pico Blvd. (Julio Martinez)
Some of BookRiot's redactors choose their 'love language books':
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë: This is one of my all time favourite books. Jane is feisty, uncompromising, and independent. She knows what she wants and what she believes in. This book was pretty formative for me, and a quote from it is incorporated in one of my tattoos. (Beth O'Brien)
Silicon Republic interviews Helen Collins, secretary to the board and compliance officer at NDRC (National Digital Research Center):
What books have you read that you would recommend?
My favourite books include The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck, The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy and also Jane Eyre (though I never read Jane Eyre & Zombies …).
Mamma Mia and more baby names:
This name honours the marvellous and talented Brontë sisters, Anne, Charlotte and Emily (who all have lovely first names too). (Stuck on You)
Kronen Zeitung (Austria) lists 'scandalous' books:
 „Jane Eyre“, Charlotte Brontë
Die Waise Jane Eyre verlebt eine trostlose Kindheit im Haus ihrer hartherzigen Tante Mrs. Reed. Zur Erleichterung aller wird Jane auf ein Internat geschickt; aber auch dort hat sie es anfangs nicht leicht. Mit der Entlassung des heuchlerischen Direktors verbessern sich langsam die Verhältnisse. Als Jane Gouvernante auf Thornfield Hall wird, verliebt sie sich in den finsteren Hausherrn Mr. Rochester, der schließlich auch ihr seine Liebe gesteht. Doch die Mauern des einsamen Landsitzes bergen ein furchtbares Geheimnis. (Translation)
Emily Brontë and her cat, Tiger on Vilaweb (in Catalan):
Després m’han vingut al cap tots els escriptors il·lustres que surten sempre als especials sobre gats: Borges, Bradbury, les Brontë, Bukowski, Burroughs, Capote, Cortázar, Philip K. Dick, Hemingway, Hesse, Huxley, Gorey, Lord Byron, Neruda, Twain, etcètera (us heu fixat que sempre els citen per ordre alfabètic?). Diuen que mentre Emily Brontë escrivia Cims borrascosos el seu gat, el Tiger, jugava amb el seu peu i la distreia, i jo em pregunto primer si aquells cims haurien sigut els mateixos sense el moix sota la taula, i també, o sobretot, quina de les Brontë cuidava aquella bèstia, amb quina dormia cada nit, quina el distreia quan tenia ganes de jugar, quina s’espantava cada cop que li agafava la dèria de fer corredisses espasmòdiques per la casa, quina només l’acariciava quan el veia ben adormit. (Tina Vallès ) (Translation)
One of the favourite albums for KVMR 89.5 FM is Monks of Doom's The Brontë Pin. The 190th issue of the Greek magazine Παρέμβαση contains some poems by the Brontës. Stephen Lycett posts about High Sunderland, near Law Hill School where Emily Brontë spent some months teaching. Libros Adicta (in Spanish) reviews Wuthering Heights.


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