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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Wednesday, January 02, 2019 12:47 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Daily Express is seduced by Ruth Wilson, now on the fifth season of Luther:
In 2006, she rose to prominence after playing Jane Eyre in the BBC adaptation of the Brontë novel. (Emma Nolan)
The next Jane Eyre in line, in The Guardian, and today on BBC One:
Jane Eyre (Cary Joji Fukunaga, 2011), 1.45pm, BBC One. This atmospheric telling of Charlotte Brontë’s gothic romance stars Mia Wasikowska as a pale, oppressed Jane, sent to live at the forbidding manor of Michael Fassbender’s Rochester, where Judi Dench’s housekeeper, Mrs Fairfax, holds sway. The moors are pleasingly bleak, and it is all choked with repressed longings. (Paul Howlett)
The Telegraph also announces the film:
 Cary Fukunaga’s adaptation respects Charlotte Brontë’s novel without following it blindly. Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender (as imposing as ever), put plenty of other Jane Eyre/Mr Rochester duets to shame; their performances are elevated by Moira Buffini’s excellent script. Fukunaga’s film is shot with masterly restraint and shorn of sentimentality. It would be hard to ask for more from Brontë on screen.
Vogue lists some fashion icons for inspiration in 2019:
 Kate Bush’s bodycon era
1978 was a big year for Kate Bush (and her wardrobe). The then 19-year-old siren burst onto the global scene with a legendary debut single, Wuthering Heights, and a dance-class-ready wardrobe of second-skin unitards, influencing the decades of spandex bodycon that’s since followed. Catwalk labels to watch – Antidote, Area and Collina Strada – are calling up the dancewear trend for 2019. Feel free to add a belt and jacket over your unitard, as Bush herself often did. (Julia Hobbs)
South Wales Argus has an article on new author Sarah Hayden-Woods:
Mrs Hayden-Woods, who operates under the pseudonyms Lily Hayden and S.J. Woods, cites her influences as “classics like Wuthering Heights and Rebecca to Lee Child and James Patterson to the cheesiest chick-lit”. (Dan Barnes)
BabyGaga and the name Emilie:
Emilie is a modern version of the name Emily, which takes it inspiration from the French language. It means ‘one who excels.’ It was adapted from the Roman male name Aemilius. There are many prominent ladies with the name Emily, such as Emily Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights. (Annindita)
La Presse (Canada) interviews author Nadine Bismuth:
Chantal Guy: Quels Sont les trois livres que vous sauveriez d'un incendie 'a la maison?NB: Quand tout est déjà arrivé, de Julian Barnes ; un très beau livre sur le deuil, où l'écrivain raconte la mort de sa femme. Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë ; Jane Eyre est tellement vraie et attachante. Et New Grub Street, de George Gissing ; un superbe portrait de la vie littéraire londonienne du XIXe siècle.(Translation)
In the Providence Journal a poem with Brontë references; AnneBrontë.org celebrates the new year with Patrick Brontë.

Finally @cfernyhough tweets about a new poetry project which includes a Brontë-related poem:
What lay behind the otherness of Emily Brontë? In her limpid new poem—clear as a moorland tarn—@tiffanymurray touches at the solitude of a genius. Pledge now and be first to read it. #lastchancetopledge #12DaysOfOthers https://unbound.com/books/charles-fernyhough-others/ … @unbounders


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