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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Thursday, January 03, 2019 11:46 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Smithsonian Magazine achieves the almost impossible. To link the extraordinary achievement of the New Horizons team reaching the most distant object ever visited by mankind: 2014MU69 (aka Ultima Thule) on the Kuiper belt with the Brontës. We almost cried with joy.
2014 MU69 has been nicknamed Ultima Thule by the New Horizons team, a Latin phrase used by the Romans to describe unexplored regions to the north and, more generally, a region that lies beyond the known world. The phrase was used by Virgil in the poem Georgics, and the term “Thule” has a long literary history, appearing in works such as James Thompson’s 1730 poem “Autumn,” which is quoted in the first chapter of Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre. Versions of “Ultima Thule” also appear in the poem “Dream-Land” by Edgar Allan Poe and in the works of Vladimir Nabokov. (Jay Bennett)
Financial Times reviews the film Un amour impossible by Catherine Corsini:

If Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights hadn’t told us, French author Christine Angot’s novels would have done. Women — some women — like handsome brutes, however badly they behave. An Impossible Love is a subtle, harrowing, acid-etched story of love and hate, directed by Catherine Corsini (Summertime) from Angot’s autofiction novel inspired by her single-parenting mother and abusive biological father. (Nigel Andrews)
Several news outlets announce that Jane Eyre 2011 is available on Amazon Prime Video:
Mia Wasikowska is “Jane Eyre” (2011, PG-13) in Cary Fukunaga’s superb take on Charlotte Brontë’s beloved gothic romance. (Sean Axmaker in The Seattle Times)
The film is also broadcast today on BBC One. In The Times:
Jane Eyre (PG, 2011)
BBC One, 1.45pm
The director Cary Fukunaga’s feature debut, Sin Nombre, was an extraordinary, visceral tale of South American gang culture. That he can move so effortlessly to the smouldering gothic threat of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre underlines his remarkable skill and versatility. Little wonder he has created two of the most memorable recent TV dramas (True Detective, Maniac) and will direct the next James Bond film. Mia Wasikowska is a thoughtful, self-contained Jane, while Michael Fassbender is a smooth and sexual presence as Rochester. The cinematography is broodingly atmospheric — much of it uses only the available light of candles and fireplaces. Sally Hawkins is uncharacteristically severe as Jane’s vindictive and cold aunt, Mrs Reed. (Wedny Ide)
Vincent Boland in The Times thinks that Dublin needs a revamp:
In a recent trip to Amsterdam I stayed in a neighbourhood where the streets were named after writers. Boris Pasternak, Charlotte Brontë and George Bernard Shaw were among those honoured. The suburban neighbourhood was rather dull and overly planned, but the street names added character and evoked a sense of Dutch openness to the world.
The New Jersey Herald returns to the story of Bill Crain and his imprisonment:
He also has already provided a list of books that he wants his wife to order for him. Crain said inmates are only able to accept books that are ordered directly through the publisher, and it could take a few days before he receives them.
A child psychologist, he will pass the time re-reading a few books penned by American writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau, he said, and Emily Brontë, an English writer who wrote stories as a youth set in imaginary worlds. (Lori Comstock)
Dance highlights for 2019 in The Guardian:
Northern Ballet: Victoria
The modern narrative ballet could be seen as a form in crisis, but not in the hands of Cathy Marston, whose sensitive handling of storytelling and steps has both clarity and texture. She has spent much of the last decade working outside the UK, now we’re finally getting to see more of Marston; after her excellent Jane Eyre for Northern Ballet in 2016, she’s now creating another work for the company, based on the life of Queen Victoria. (Michael Billington, Lyndsey Winship and Brian Logan)
The Spectator reviews Royal Ballet's Les Patineurs:
Lauren Cuthbertson is lovely as the dreamy fangirl so attached to the maestro’s grand piano that she remains sitting suspended, toes en pointe, when a member of the audience steals her chair. In her leotard and straw hat she gives a routine that is part Jane Fonda and part Kate Bush at her ‘Wuthering Heights’ worst. (Laura Freeman)
New Idea and old-fashioned names:
Not only is Agnes the name of one of the Despicable Me cuties, but for the romantics, there is also Anne Brontë's 1847 novel Agnes Grey. (Deborah Grunfeld)
Yale News and the Yale Alumni College classes:
 Author and former Yale professor Priscilla Gilman will be teaching courses on Jane Austen and British Romanticism in March. When [Laurie] Treuhaft saw Gilman listed among the instructors last fall, she wondered if there was a connection to an “unforgettable” professor she’d had in her undergraduate years — Richard Gilman, a former professor at Yale School of Drama. She learned Priscilla is his daughter and says her class on “Jane Eyre” and “Great Expectations” was so engrossing that “I was counting the seconds until I could get back into the classroom every Monday. Priscilla really opened doors for us and generated the most fascinating discussions.”  (Brita Belli)
Reader's Favorite reviews Ghosts of Tara: An Irish Mystery by Frances Powell:
Ghosts of Tara had me remembering the delights of reading those classic Gothic novels: Jane Eyre, Rebecca, and Wuthering Heights. Ghosts of Tara: An Irish Mystery is most highly recommended." (Jack Magnus)
Writing.ie interviews the writer Caragh Bell:
The idea for my most recent novel, Echoes of Grace, came from years of reading classics of the romance genre. Being a teacher, I get to study stories like The Great Gatsby and Wuthering Heights, and of course, analyse the ‘whys’ and the ‘could’ve beens’ with my students. Inspired by passionate tales of lost love, I decided to write a proper romantic novel with genuinely nice male characters and a gorgeous heroine. So, Echoes of Grace came about.

ScuolaZoo (Italy) has an article on Wuthering Heights:
Il prossimo compito in classe ha come tema Cime tempestose il romanzo di Emily Brontë ma non avete letto il libro? Niente paura, vi aiutiamo noi con l’analisi del romanzo e dei personaggi consigliandovi anche le frasi più belle di una delle opere più famose della letteratura mondiale.
Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë: trama del romanzo, frasi e personaggi
Cime Tempestose, titolo originario Wuthering Heights, è il romanzo che ha reso celebre Emily Bronte, sorella delle altrettanto famose Charlotte e Anne. Il romanzo fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1847 ma la scrittrice decise di comparire sotto uno pseudionimo, Ellis Bell. La trama principale del romanzo racconta le vicende di Heathcliff e Catherine, che porta alla luce temi come l’amore, la vendetta e l’ossessione. Devi fare un compito su questo romanzo e non sai da dove partire? Ecco che noi di ScuolaZoo abbiamo preparato per voi una guida completa con una brevissima trama del romanzo, l’analisi del testo e i personaggi più importanti. (Read more) (Raffaella Berardi) (Translation)
De Groene Amsterdarmmer really likes Wuthering Heights 2011:
En het is een meesterwerk. Arnolds versie, gefilmd in een archaïsch beeldformaat en met een constant bewegende camera, vangt op volmaakte wijze de wildheid van de liefde tussen Heathcliff en Cathy. Het is een liefde zo verschrikkelijk, zo groot dat contact ermee in een donkere bioscoopzaal lijkt op iets uit een horrorfilm. De natuur is alom aanwezig. Hoe heeft Arnold ooit dat loeiende geluid van de wind, constant hoorbaar, vastgelegd? De onvergetelijke scène van Heathcliff bij het lijk van Cathy – ik durf niet eens op schrijven wat daar precies gebeurt. Het is schokkend mooi. Net zo mooi als in het boek, waarin Brontë het niet zo letterlijk opschrijft, maar waarin ze misschien precies hetzelfde bedoelde met haar koppeling tussen de eeuwige liefde en de dood. (Gawie Keyser) (Translation)
LoveLetters reader in the Boston Globe asks for love advice quoting from Wuthering HeightsRoberta Writes reviews Jane Eyre.


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