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Monday, January 07, 2019

Monday, January 07, 2019 11:00 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Sophie Hannah's favourite literary grudges in The Week:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
You could be forgiven, after reading Brontë's fascinating, perfect novel, for thinking that Yorkshire, England, could dispense with electricity and run on grudge power alone. Heathcliff doesn't respond to his justifiable resentments in the most enlightened way, but that doesn't make me love the novel any less.
WFAE 90.7 interviews the writer Sophie Mackintosh:
Leila Fadel, host: What were your influences growing up? - authors that you read. You've talked about your grandfather giving you Stephen King and "Jane Eyre" books growing up.
SM: Oh, yeah. (LAUGHTER). He always used to give me a deeply age-inappropriate book.
LF: Aw (laughter).
SM: I guess "Jane Eyre" - not so much. But yeah, Stephen King when you're, like, 7 years old is not terrific (laughter).
The Independent (Ireland) interviews the tenor Finbar Wright:
Film: Jane Eyre
 My mother was an insatiable reader, so I grew up in a house full of books. Among her all-time favourites were the classical writers such as Jane Austen and, of course, the Brontë Sisters, particularly Charlotte Brontë who wrote Jane Eyre. I consider the 2011 film  to be a revelation on many levels. Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender are superb. It is among a handful I keep on my iPad for those hours sitting in airports or in planes.
Also in The Independent some 'cozy crime' recommendations:
 Similarly, Kate Shackleton's latest outing, her 10th, in A Snapshot of Murder (Piatkus, €12.99) is set in 1928. The detective's photography society has taken a trip to Haworth for the opening of the Brontë home when one of their number is murdered in plain sight. Like McPherson, Brody manages to weave in plenty of facts, which will amuse Brontë fans.(Anne Marie Scanlon)
Today's quiz at The Times:
 4 The title character in which Charlotte Brontë novel falls in love with her employer, Edward Rochester? (Olav Bjortomot)
Nlcafe (Hungary) talks about waltz and quotes from Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall:
Anne Brontë második és egyben utolsó regényében, a Wildfell asszonyában is afféle tiltott táncként szerepel a keringő (bár maga a regény 1848-ban jelent meg, a vonatkozó jelenet a húszas években játszódik). (Szabó Sz. Csaba) (Translation)
The relevant quote is from Chapter IV:
We wound up the evening with dancing—our worthy pastor thinking it no scandal to be present on the occasion, though one of the village musicians was engaged to direct our evolutions with his violin. But Mary Millward obstinately refused to join us; and so did Richard Wilson, though my mother earnestly entreated him to do so, and even offered to be his partner.
We managed very well without them, however. With a single set of quadrilles, and several country dances, we carried it on to a pretty late hour; and at length, having called upon our musician to strike up a waltz, I was just about to whirl Eliza round in that delightful dance, accompanied by Lawrence and Jane Wilson, and Fergus and Rose, when Mr. Millward interposed with:—‘No, no; I don’t allow that! Come, it’s time to be going now.’
‘Oh, no, papa!’ pleaded Eliza. 
One Little Library explains why she re-reads Jane Eyre and begins a new series of posts: Sundays with Jane. AnneBrontë.org celebrates the 200th anniversary of Arthur Bell Nichols birthday.  Fogknife concludes a series of posts about Wuthering Heights with a most welcomed and unexpected Lynchian (through Inland Empire, no less!) reading of Lockwood's reality. Wow.


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