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Monday, December 31, 2018

Monday, December 31, 2018 11:21 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The best reads of 2018 for the writer Meenaskhi Reddy Madhavan on Scroll.in:
My favourite historical novels of 2018
I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t know much about the Brontë sisters beyond reading and re-reading and then eventually studying Jane Eyre. I never even made it to Wuthering Heights, let alone Villette and all the rest of it. So I went into The Dark Quartet by Lynne Reid Banks completely a blank slate – I didn’t know much about the three girls and their beloved brother beyond just those bare facts. Banks was known to me because of a great series of kids books she did called The Indian In The Cupboard, but reading her on Charlotte and Anne and Emily and Branwell, and their narrow lives, which they burst wide open with their imaginations – it was thrilling. I couldn’t put it down.
Coconuts (Thailand) talks about a local reality show, Curve Battle Thailand:
Most sang, danced or showed off their runway modeling skills. Others got more creative, offering their takes on Thai dancing, rapping, and, in the case of 16-year-old candidate Emma Slattery, a monologue from Jane Eyre. (Prae Sakaowan)
The best films of 2018 for Noted (New Zealand):
Set on the island of Jersey, Beast began as a contemporary murder mystery and slowly turned into a riveting psychodrama. It came with a touch of the Brontës and a spellbinding lead performance by Jessie Buckley.
La Jornada (México) has a special issue on Emily Dickinson:
El deceso de Otis hace retornar a Emily a la fragante fortificación desde donde contempla la danza de los petirrojos a través de su ventana, con una pluma en ristre o un libro en el regazo (las hermanas Brontë eran su lectura favorita) y donde morirá, a los cincuenta y cinco años, a consecuencia de una nefritis tan discreta como ella misma. (Eve Gil) (Translation)
El Periódico de Guatemala (Guatemala) recommends films for new year's eve:
Mary Shelley
La vida de la creadora de Frankestein es tan interesante como una novela de las hermanas Brontë. Elle Fanning da vida a la joven escritora, quien tiene que pelear contra la estructura social de su tiempo para encontrar el camino hacia su pasión: la escritura. Más allá del episodio del lago y Lord Byron, hay mucho más Mary Shelley por descubrir. (Jaime Moreno de León) (Translation)
A Daydream or Two posts about Wuthering Heights. AnneBrontë.org posts about Patrick Brontë, Maria Branwell And A Triple Wedding and The Brontë Babe Blog about What the Brontës Taught Me in 2018.

Finally, don't forget this giveaway by Brontë Stones Project for ending 2018:
 Did someone say Giveaway?! We are giving away one signed copy of @headspam (Michael Stewart)'s #IllWill book to one of you! The winner will be chosen when we hit 100 followers! #literacy #brontestones #giveaway #michaelstewart #Yorkshire


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