
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Monday, November 05, 2018

Monday, November 05, 2018 10:55 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Several sites recap Season 1, Episode 9 of  TV-series You:
Joe methodically takes apart two copies of Wuthering Heights so the dedication page from Candace’s copy ends up in the garbage and a different, whole copy goes on the discount pile, for symbolism reasons. (Jessica Goldstein on Vulture)
Joe's distorted romanticism has him constantly attempting to squeeze his love interests between the pages of his classic literature, and when he eventually tires of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, he loses it.
The incorporation of Wuthering Heights during this hour was clever. It coincided with learning more about Candace via flashback, and we learned of Mooney too. Joe gifted Candace a first-edition of the classic, but Candace didn't have much interest in literature nor Joe for that matter. (Jasmine Blu on TV Fanatic)
Really, Joe is just remembering the most significant parts of their relationship. These moments include their meet-cute outside of a music venue where singer Candace was performing; Joe gifting Candace a first edition copy of Wuthering Heights, her favorite novel; (Kaitlin Reilly on Refinery 29)
Patheos discusses 'Cruelty, Sentimentality, and Authoritarian Regimes':
But people don’t want to face that possibility. Nor do we want to confront our own complicity, when we look away, in the actions of rapists and abusers. We want everything to be nice.
That’s how the domineering upper classes in Charlotte Brontë’s England succeeded in tyrannizing the poor and working classes. (Rebecca Bratten Weiss)
La Razón (Spain) interviews Gloria Fortún who, among many other things, has just translated Joanna Russ's How to Suppress Women's Writing.
–Destaca también una «trampa» en la que cayeron –caímos– muchas de nosotras, se lamenta de ello la poeta Erica Jong: «Durante años comparé mis orgasmos con los de Lady Chatterley y me pregunté qué iba mal conmigo...».– Es que si lo otro no está disponible... Todas hemos crecido leyendo sobre todo hombres y lo más preocupante es que los hombres han crecido leyendo solo a hombres. Nosotras al final generamos autoconciencia: por ejemplo, yo pensaba que Charlotte Brontë había escrito solo Jane Eyre porque el resto de libros no estaban disponibles; creces sin que te manden leer en el colegio ni un solo libro escrito por una mujer, ni en la universidad, salvo pequeñas excepciones. Eso hay que cambiarlo. Lo primero es escuchar los silencios del canon, ¿por qué no salen mujeres? Si yo hiciera una antología de textos escritos por mujeres, primero dejaría unas páginas en blanco. (Marta Maldonado) (Translation)
View from the Cheap Seat reviews Danielle Pearson's stage adaptation of Jane Eyre, giving it only 2 stars out of 5. Weekly Standard features The Writer’s Map. An Atlas of Imaginary Lands, edited by Huw Lewis-Jones and mentions - and shows - one of Branwell's imaginary maps. Finally, 'The Death, Will and Burial of Aunt Branwell' on AnneBrontë.org.


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