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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Thursday, November 01, 2018 6:00 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
LondonTheatre1 reviews the London performances of We Are Brontë:
Perhaps with a little more regularity than was strictly necessary, the narrative strays from the life, times and writings of the literary sisters, though the comic effect is strong overall. A moment of tension arises from Brannie’s insistence that Cornwall is really the land of the Brontës, as the writers’ mother hailed from there: for Maria, as the sisters were born and raised in Yorkshire, it would conventionally follow that that’s where they are from. The tension between Maria and Brannie never fully dissipates, ebbing and flowing throughout proceedings. (...)
Not all Brontë enthusiasts, I suspect, will be impressed by the lack of direct relevance these sorts of antics have to the celebrated writers, and a degree of familiarity with the Brontës would be beneficial to get the maximum enjoyment, though I hasten to add it is still possible to follow what is going on even without having done any background reading. (Chris Omaweng)
St. Louis Public Radio covers the 27th annual St. Louis Film Festival. One of the screened films is The Drunkard's Lament:
“It’s always been a very strongly programmed festival,” said filmmaker Jim Finn, a University City native who is one of three Charles Guggenheim Cinema St. Louis Award honorees this year. The 11-day festival begins Thursday.
“They take chances with work and it’s very smart,” Finn said, “because they see the festival as ways to get films that wouldn’t normally open in smaller cities or outside of the major coastal areas.”
Finn’s film “The Drunkard’s Lament” is a version of “Wuthering Heights” told from the point of view of Emily Brontë’s brother, Branwell Brontë. Following its screening at the festival, Finn will lead a role-playing game based on the film with the audience. (Jeremy D. Goodwin)
Fine Books & Collections talks about the winner of the ABA Chelsea Rare Book Fair. One of the contenders was:
This, perhaps timely, collection won against high quality entries from students at Aberdeen (‘Pursuit of Knowledge 1790-1850’ focusing upon books read by the Brontë sisters).
My Web Times lists films for the fall season. Jane Eyre 2006 is among them:
Charlotte Brontë's masterpiece is adapted anew every other year, but for my bottom dollar there's no topping the 2006 miniseries starring Ruth Wilson (she of the duck lips and fantastic eyebrows) as Jane and Toby "Son of Maggie Smith" Stephens as human disaster Rochester. In my circles, this version is fondly referred to as the "Sex Riot Jane Eyre," thanks to the scorching chemistry between the leads (who still barely touch or kiss in true period film fashion). Fall begs for a pinch of gothic melodrama, and this classic tale of a defiant governess falling for her broody employer with a dark secret is the gold standard of the genre. Wilson's passionate performance in particular has yet to be surpassed. (Angie Barry)
El País (Spain) interviews Ariadna Gil, who is playing Jane Eyre in an adaptation by Carme Portaceli first premiered in Catalan and now touring in Spanish:
Interpreta ahora una heroína feminista del siglo XIX. ¿Qué resonancias pueden encontrar las mujeres de hoy en ese personaje? La exigencia de que se nos trate con igualdad y justicia.
Es un novelón romántico. ¿Le gusta el género o prefiere otro tipo de lecturas? Sí, me gusta mucho. Leí Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë, muy joven y fue la primera vez que disfruté leyendo.
¿Qué libro tiene ahora en su mesilla de noche? Charlotte Brontë, una vida, de Claire Harman, y La mujer singular y la ciudad, de Vivian Gornick. (Translation)
MKCitizen :
James Bowen and Bob, Waterstones, Midsummer Place, Milton Keynes, November 2
From walking the streets of London selling the Big Issue to walking the red carpet at the premiere of the film about their life, it’s been an eventful decade for James Bowen and his street cat Bob. Now the bestselling author has written a new book - The Little Book of Bob - and is coming to MK to sign it from 12pm. (Peter Ormerod)
SBS (Australia) is discussing the most recent Bond film.
 It’s the reason I can love Jane Eyre’s feminist spirit but simultaneously feel perturbed by her missionary zeal to convert Indian women, and nonchalance in shoving ‘crazy’ Jamaican Bertha into an attic (white lady feminism 101).
Ballade (Norway)  talks with Knut Olav Rygnestad, who, apparently, is completing a new story arc for TV:
– Man må tenke litt praktisk. Men denne helga får jeg anledning å fremføre et eget verk, et tonesatt dikt av Emily Brontë. Jeg er veldig interessert i musikk som fortellerkunst og hvordan musikk kan formidle mye med få ord, forteller han. (Translation)
The secret love of Charlotte Brontë on Luján Fraix (in Spanish); the Brussels Brontë Blog continues exploring the Rue d'Isabelle in Belgium; Sabor a Tinta (in Spanish) reviews a recent edition of Jane Eyre. Halloween In Penzance And Haworth as covered by AnneBronte.org.


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