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Friday, November 09, 2018

Friday, November 09, 2018 10:37 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Book Riot recommends '50 Must-Read Books with Unreliable Narrators' and one of them is obviously
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
“My greatest thought in living is Heathcliff. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be…Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure…but as my own being.” Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Brontë, who died a year after its publication, at the age of thirty. A brooding Yorkshire tale of a love that is stronger than death, it is also a fierce vision of metaphysical passion, in which heaven and hell, nature and society, are powerfully juxtaposed. Unique, mystical, with a timeless appeal, it has become a classic of English literature. (Emily Martin)
Architects Journal also refers to Wuthering Heights in an article on Kester Rattenbury’s book, The Wessex Project, which celebrates Thomas Hardy as an architect.
The house as fictional character – often malevolent – has also been a frequent theme; from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1851 The House of the Seven Gables to homes such as Satis House (Great Expectations) or Wuthering Heights which counterposes the titular rough farmhouse with genteel Thrushcross Grange. This continued into the 20th century in imaginary homes such as Manderlay in du Maurier’s Rebecca and EM Forster’s Howard’s End (Alan Powers has recently written convincingly on the novel’s dwellings as metonyms). (Rob Bevan)
The Guardian reviews the book Gentleman Jack: A biography of Anne Lister, Regency Landowner, Seducer and Secret Diarist by Angela Steidele and Katy Derbyshire.
The first chapter begins with Lister falling in love with a classmate aged 14 or 15. Eliza Raine had been born in Madras, one of two daughters of an English surgeon and an Indian, Tamil-speaking woman. After their father’s early death, Eliza and her sister were adopted and brought to York. Eliza’s dark skin and beauty would haunt Lister, but the liaison ended badly. Lister moved on quickly to other lovers, while Eliza, after falling out with her adoptive father, was committed to a mental asylum for the rest of her life. Steidele says that Lister may have “had a personal interest in having her declared insane. Coming from a madwoman, any confession about their former relationship would have borne less weight.” She speculates that Eliza may have been the model for Mrs Rochester, since Charlotte Brontë, living and writing not far away in Howarth [sic], knew the Clifton asylum where Eliza was held. (Ruth Scurr)
Leeds List recommends several circular walks around Yorkshire.
Haworth Circular
Brontë Country is one Yorkshire’s most beautiful areas and this circular walk shows it at its very best. It’s an easygoing 7-mile trek and there’s so much to see. You’ll see the place that inspired the family’s literary settings as you pass the flowing streams, awesome moorland and breathtaking views over the Pennine Hills. Take a stroll across Haworth Moor, through Penistone Hill Country Park, to reach the Brontë Waterfall then stop and take it in, before you visit Top Withens, the basis for Wuthering Heights, and Lower Laithe Reservoir. When you reach the end, call into the Haworth Steam Brewing Co. for a well-earned tipple.
The walk starts at St Michael & All Angels Church, Haworth, West Yorkshire, BD22 0HB. (Joseph Sheerin)
La Voz de Galicia (Spain) talks about new Wuthering Heights editions in Spanish:
 Emily Brontë ha llegado este 2018 a bicentenaria con una fiesta de ediciones. Cumbres borrascosas tocan el cielo en el sello Tres Hermanas. Y adquieren nuevas cotas en la edición de Alma, ilustrada por Sara Morante (Torrelavega, 1976). ¿Cómo se pinta un clásico?, le pregunto. «Leyendo. Requiere un proceso de documentación y selección. Yo, como ilustradora, soy sobre todo lectora. Mi trabajo comienza cuando acaba la lectura», dice Morante, que ha debutado en la escritura con La vida de las paredes. (...)
A Morante, amante de la ambigüedad en los textos y de sus rincones oscuros, le ha sorprendido Cumbres borrascosas. «La cabeza de Emily Brontë, su libertad. Yo tenía un prejuicio sobre el libro, por la intoxicación que ha provocado su visión como una novela de amor decimonónica, quizá por el hecho de que la ha escrito una mujer. ¿No puede hablar una autora de los 40 años de venganza de un señor? Cuando se editó el libro, ella tuvo hasta que disculparse», advierte Morante. (Ana Abelenda) (Translation)


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