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Sunday, November 04, 2018

Sunday, November 04, 2018 7:39 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Times Reporter's quote of the day is from Anne Brontë's poem The Narrow Way:
“But he that dares not grasp the thorn should never crash the rose.” — Anne Brontë
Liputan6 (Indonesia) also opens an article with an alleged Brontë quote: the infamous "Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive". The problem is that this is not by Charlotte or any other Brontë.

The Sunday Times reviews Twelve Thousand Days: A Memoir of Love and Loss by Éilís Ní Dhuibhne:
Admittedly, there are initial traces of a Jane Eyre-like heroine meeting a more likeable Mr Rochester. Éilís Ní Dhuibhne does not shirk from describing herself as hard-working and intense, a warily tenacious girl with an iron work ethic. (Eileen Battersby)
Women and Fiction in The Sentinel (India):
Memorable women characters (keeping aside the question of using the ‘women’ tag) are a plenty, both in western and our vernacular literature, more so in this part of India that is nurtured by the cult of the Mother Goddess.
So while the west (and now, thanks to colonialism, we as well) have their Elizabeth Bennet and Jane Eyre and Scarlett O’ Hara and even Hermoine Granger, our repertoire of literature= both vernacular and in the works of Indians now writing with soaring confidence in English- we have our luminaries as well. (Anurag Rudra)
El Diario Vasco (in Spanish) presents Con Voz Propia. Las Colaboraciones en Prensa de Carmen Baroja which includes an article about the Brontës: Triste historia de tres hermanas pobres: las hermanas Brontë.

Aleteia (in Spanish) reviews the film The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society:
Juliet Ashton entra en contacto con estos lectores, los visita, degusta el repugnante pastel, lee en voz alta y conversa sobre las hermanas Brontë. Y descubre que hay algo más, algo que ocultan y que sucedió durante los días de la ocupación nazi. (José Ángel Barrueco) (Translation)
Before I Kick reviews Jane Eyre.


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