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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Tuesday, November 06, 2018 12:03 pm by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Today we have several bookish lists on which Brontë-related items are included. Bustle has selected '12 Angry Women In Literature Who Don't Apologize For Their Rage':
Antoinette Cosway in ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ by Jean Rhys
Described as a feminist and anti-colonial response to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys tells the story of Antoinette Cosway, Mr. Rochester’s ‘mad’ wife, who isn’t actually mentally ill, but suffocating in a patriarchal and racist society, a repressive marriage, and a postcolonial culture that has oppressed her and her family. (E. Ce Miller)
Bustle also recommends '15 Bookish Stocking Stuffers For Readers Who Already Own WAY Too Many Books'.
Thanks to websites like Out of Print Clothing and Etsy, it's easier now than ever to find merchandise inspired by your favorite works of literature. That's especially true if you love 19th-century women writers, such as Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë, or fan-favorite children's classics, such as The Little Prince and Where the Wild Things Are. There's no shortage of literary stocking stuffers to be found online. (Kristian Wilson)
The Harvard Crimson suggests the 'Top Five Reads to Cuddle Up with This November':
1. “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë
Set against the Yorkshire moors of England, this Victorian classic is the perfect book to curl up with on a rainy day. Bonus points if you’re sipping a cup of tea. The descriptions of the gloomy weather will perfectly match the scene outside your window, and the wild English setting is a kind of comforting chaos. Set as a frame tale — or a story within a story — it is a difficult yet engrossing read, exploring the lives of an isolated and not so socially acceptable family. While the characters are neither heartwarming nor particularly likeable, Catherine and Heathcliff’s tumultuous relationship is a deep look into the flaws that make us human. There is an elusiveness to this book that simply demands it be read. (Sienna R. Santer)
Now for someone who wouldn't seem to agree with that as The Washington Post features books blogger Anne Bogel and her book I'd Rather Be Reading and
She hesitates to share a book that didn’t work for her but settles on Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights.” (Angela Haupt)
Actress Sonarika Bhadoria also mentions Wuthering Heights in an interview for Mid-day (India).
A  "hopeless romantic", Bhadoria says tragic love stories are not her cup of tea. "I have grown up reading The Bridges Of Madison County and Wuthering Heights. I am also a big fan of Shah Rukh Khan's romantic films, precisely why I don't enjoy stories with a sad ending. (Letty Mariam Abraham)
The Reviews Hub on The Drunkard’s Lament as seen at Leeds International Film Festival.
The narrative of Jim Finn’s The Drunkard’s Lament is based on letters by Branwell Brontë, on the subject (mainly) of his sister Emily’s Wuthering Heights. And, of course, there is a fair amount about his addiction to liquor and opium, too. He also waxes lyrical about his affair with a married woman which, like his life really, was doomed to failure.
The footage is deliberately grainy and distorted which gives the piece a really archaic atmosphere as if we are going back in time. Filmmaker Josh Lewis has created the handmade 16mm film emulsion for the film at his artist-run lab. [...]
After the premiere of The Drunkard’s Lament at BAFICI (Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente), director Jim Finn developed a role-playing game to accompany the film called, Branwell Brontë’s Role-Playing Game. The role play really is fun. In the same way that this film is Branwell’s early cinema dream of Wuthering Heights, this is Branwell’s altered reality role-playing game of his sister’s novel. In the audience, each of us is given a character and then set certain activities in which to react. On the night of this review, we had murder, disease and a ghost, and this really fleshed out the subject of the movie. (Rich Jevons)
The Emory Wheel reviews the play The Moors.
Haley Ornstein (22C) portrays Emilie, a Jane Eyre-type governess who travels to the moors looking for love in the sisters’ older brother, Branwell. Ornstein is overshadowed in the first half of the play by Sullivan-Lovett and Byrne, but she gradually comes into the spotlight as the layers of Emilie’s character are peeled away. In the final scene, she and the maid adeptly deliver a suspenseful dialogue that characterizes the play as a whole, showing how little life can change even after trauma. (Calen MacDonald)
Upsala Nya Tidning (Sweden) reviews the Swedish translation of the book The recovering: intoxication and its aftermath by Leslie Jamison.
Som exempel kan man ta den brittisk-karibiska författaren Jean Rhys (1890–1979) som tilldelas stort utrymme. För svenska läsare är namnet Rhys närmast förknippat med romanen ”Sargassohavet”, eller ”Den första hustrun” som den heter i tidigare översättning. Boken utgör en förhistoria till Charlotte Brontës välkända roman ”Jane Eyre” där mannen, Mr. Rochester, håller sin förment sinnessjuka hustru inspärrad i husets vindsvåning. Alkoholen är i båda romanerna av underordnad betydelse men Leslie Jamison fängslas av det hemska öde Jean Rhys hittar på till hjältinnan, och av Rhys eget öde som alkoholist. (Staffan Bergsten) (Translation)
The Telegraph and Argus looks at the events taking place in the area to mark the centenary of the 1918 Armistice.
Cliffe Castle Museum has been commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War with special exhibits which have been running since the summer. Keighley’s War celebrates this important event and commemorates the contribution of those in the district whose lives were changed by world events. Visitors will be able to see everything from photos and medals to artworks and toys.
Meanwhile, the museum will also showcase the art of Percy Smith in a special display called War and Peace. Smith, an artist from in Dulwich, South London, served on the Western Front and produced many memorable sketches of his war experiences. Interested in the works of Emily Brontë, he made several visits to Haworth after the war. (Tim Quantrill)
The Eyre Guide reviews the book Wish You Were Eyre by Heather Vogel Frederick. On The Sisters' Room, Maddalena De Leo comments on a poem by Emily Brontë.


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