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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Saturday, November 03, 2018 8:51 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Business Insider lists 'literary one-hit wonders we wish had written more':
Emily Brontë died in 1848, just a year after writing her one and only book, “Wuthering Heights.”
The Brontë sisters all met untimely deaths, and Emily was no different. She passed away of tuberculosis at age 30, but not before publishing “Wuthering Heights,” a classic piece of English literature about two star-crossed lovers, Catherine and Heathcliff, that spans generations. (Gabbi Shaw)
Also in Business Insider, a bizarre article criticising classic books for their topics, treatment or not being politically correct. In the case of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice the hater is no other than Charlotte:
Author Charlotte Brontë, for example, thought the book offered merely a surface-level look of society at the time.
According to the British Library, in a letter to writer and critic George Henry Lewes, Brontë said she found Austen’s portrait of life in “Pride and Prejudice” to be like a photograph of “a carefully-fenced, highly cultivated garden with neat borders and delicate flowers – but no glance of a bright vivid physiognomy – no open country – no fresh air – no blue hill – no bonny beck.” (Chelsea Greenwood)
University of Oregon's Around the O talks about a new study published in the journal Child Development:
The Brontë children — Charlotte, Emily, Ann (sic) and Branwell — drew acclaim for the imaginary worlds they shared in books and oral storytelling in the 1800s. Such creativity, which had emerged early in their lives, is far from rare, says University of Oregon psychologist Marjorie Taylor.
In a new study, "Paracosms: The Imaginary Worlds of Middle Childhood," in the journal Child Development, Taylor’s five-member team provides extensive insights on imaginary worlds created by children age 8-12. (Jim Barlow)
Bowdlerisation and its new life on Twitter is the subject of this Guardian article:
Indeed, this 5,000 year-old piece of punctuation has only stood in for letters the last three centuries or so, joined by the en dash in the 1950s. Don’t get me started on all the changes the dash has seen: let’s just say modern Jane Austen readers may have serious concerns about the -----shire regiment. Be it by dash or by asterisk, though, when it comes to bowdlerisation, fellow English writer Charlotte Brontë had consternations of her own: “The practice of hinting by single letters those expletives with which profane and violent people are wont to garnish their discourse, strikes me as a proceeding which, however well meant, is weak and futile.” (Terena Bell)
The New Yorker reviews the Mike Flanagan new TV version of The Haunting of Hill House:
Most frustratingly, the adaptation abandons the raw feminine perversity that made Jackson’s story so indelible. In the book, Eleanor is a true-blue weirdo. She’s Emily Dickinson, she’s Jane Eyre—a dangerously needy oddball, but also one who’s funny, observant, and full of rage. She’s a mess, but she’s a specific mess: “I have red shoes, she thought—that goes with being Eleanor; I dislike lobster and sleep on my left side and crack my knuckles when I am nervous and save buttons.” (Emily Nussbaum)
Jennifer O'Connell in The Irish Times has a confession to make:
If I ever get asked about the book that most affected me, I’ll probably say Wuthering Heights, or Sebastian Faulk’s Birdsong, or Catcher in the Rye. But none of that is true. The book that had the most profound influence on me was Judy Blume’s Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret.
Financial Times reviews Jean Améry's Charles Bovary, Country Doctor:
With the discovery of the letters, this grief takes on a more disturbing necrophilic quality as Charles compulsively masturbates over images of Emma’s corpse, in a vision of an inconsolable mourning that refuses to relinquish erotic attachment to the dead that brings to mind Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights. (Doug Battersby)
Country Living has a 'best books to read' top 30 list:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
The themes of jealousy and revenge in Emily Brontë's first and only published novel will have you hooked until the end. (Megan Stein)
Libreriamo (Italy) talks about the new biographical comic, Le Sorelle Brontë:
Le sorelle Brontë, la biografia illustrata curata da Manuela Santoni per Beccogiallo Editore è già arrivata in libreria il 31 ottobre ed è una delle novità che la casa editrice propone per questa edizione 2018 di Lucca Comics. Scopriamo di più sul libro, le sorelle Brontë e l’autrice Manuela Santoni. (...)
Le sorelle Brontë è già in libreria, dal 31 ottobre, ma è anche una delle novità presenti in questa edizione di Lucca Comics.  L’autrice, Manuela Santoni, ci racconta con il suo stile inconfondibile la storie della tre autrici che, mettendo in gioco tutta la loro creatività, riusciranno a salvare le loro famiglia. (Clara Raimondi) (Translation)
Perú21 (in Spanish) and love stories in novel and big screen:
Cumbres borrascosas. La famosa novela de Emily Brontë también ha sido llevada al cine más de diez veces. La cinta más recordada es protagonizada por Laurence Olivier y Merle Oberon, por este papel el actor británico fue nominado al Oscar. (Translation)
Clarín (Argentina) tries to make sense of the translations into 'inclusive' Spanish language. But sequels, retellings and paraliterature is no excuse for stupidity:
Que en Ancho mar de los sargazos la caribeña Jean Rhys hace una precuela de Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë. (Patricia Kolesnicov) (Translation)
Theatre Things reviews the current performances of The Full Brontë at The Space in London.


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