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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 11:36 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Whether or not you celebrate Halloween, we hope you are having a nice day. The Telegraph and Argus looks into '10 of Bradford's most haunted pubs', including
8. In 1906 parachutist Lily Cove died after her parachute failed. Her spirit is now said to frequent the Old White Lion in Haworth.
9. Fans of literature should check out the Black Bull, Haworth, where the spectre of Branwell Brontë with his disheveled red hair and wild eyes has apparently been a regular over the years. (Odele Ayres)
The Irish Times has selected 'The best horror movies of all time' and one of them is
I Walked with a Zombie (1943)
The Universal Studios horror movie slackened in the war years with a series of increasingly unlikely “X meets Y” mash-ups that anticipated the Marvel universe by decades. The best work in America was being done by B-movie specialists such as Jacques Tourneur and his producer Val Lewton. Drawing inspiration from Jane Eyre, I Walked With a Zombie follows a nurse’s interaction with the walking dead in the Caribbean. Or is she deceived? Beautiful and ambiguous. (Donald Clarke)
IGN recommends it too among 10 other 'zombie movies you need to watch'.
I Walked with a Zombie (1943)
Plot: A young nurse travels to Haiti, where peril awaits in the form of local folklore, a wandering singer, and a zombie called Carrefour.
Why It Matters: This is Jane Eyre with zombies, a stylish Val Lewton/Jacques Tourneur production that offers atmosphere and poetry to spare.
Look For: A dark journey along shadowy paths with only the whistling wind to keep you company as two women journey to the houmfort. (Arnold T. Blumberg)
Sololibri (Italy) shares ideas on how to dress up as a literary zombie.
Un’altra opzione è quella di travestirsi da Catherine di Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë nella sua terrificante versione fantasma: vi servirà una camicia da notte o un vestito bianco, cerone bianco, capelli spettinati. Ricordate: era una bambina, perciò niente rossetto. Ci raccomandiamo: dovete urlare "Heathcliff fammi entrare" per tutta la sera, o vi scambieranno per un fantasma qualunque. (Serena Di Battista) (Translation)
Jezebel's Pictorial ranks several Gothic novels according to 'scariness' and 'sexiness', calling Emily 'the most batshit Brontë' along the way.
Wuthering Heights
It’s no wonder that arguably the most batshit Brontë asks the question: “What sex is bad?” The answer, of course, in the world of the Gothic novel, is that all sex is bad and will eventually kill you. “Therefore,” Brontë wonders, “if all sex is lethal, then how bad is brother sex, really?” To which generations of V.C. Andrews girls who would grow up to become Tom Hardy-as-Heathcliff stans responded, “I’m listening.” Sure, Heathcliff is only maybe Cathy’s brother. I mean, patriarchs bring home orphans from county fairs every day. They can’t all be our brothers. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because we’re all going to die, and if we’re lucky, perhaps our maybe brothers will dig up our rotting corpses and hold them for a while.
Scariness: It depends on how messed up you are.
Sexiness: See above. (Emily Alford)
According to The Statesman (India), Wuthering Heights is one of five other books meant to be reread.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Why would you want to reread a clearly traumatic book about a guy who tries to destroy an entire generation just because he was not allowed to be with his love?
Only one reason, Heathcliff.
Clearly a complex and traumatised character, most people have trouble expressing their feelings with Heathcliff. You dislike him because (quite frankly) he is a devil incarnate but you also love him for his undying devotion to Catherine.
The novel is most remembered for its Gothic setting and its sullen environment. Reread the Wuthering Heights if you want to time-travel to the nineteenth century.
Reread the Wuthering Heights for it’s a tale of almost obsessive love that brings ruination. (Shreya Thapliyal)
Mid-day (India) has an article on a literary festival which starts tomorrow:
The Penguin Classics Festival that opens tomorrow at various bookstores in India will display their diverse classics range under one roof. [...]
In Mumbai, Kitab Khana is the sole venue associated with the festival. "I'm planning to go with an open mind. I haven't decided on any particular authors or titles I would like to purchase. I want to be instinctive," Mongia tells us as she reveals her favourites — Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Moby Dick, and Charlotte's Web. Accompanying her is 18-year-old bookstagrammer Bhoomi Mehta, who is a student of Psychology at Ruia College. "You don't hear of festivals like this happening in Mumbai. I love classics. Jane Austen is always a favourite, and so is JD Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and Animal Farm by George Orwell. I'm excited to check out new editions and find good deals," she says. (Dalreen Ramos)
Palatinate looks at an event from another literary festival: Kate Fox's talk at Durham Book Festival 'Where There’s Muck, There’s Bras'
[A] show which explicitly deals with the roles Northern women have played in history. [...]
Moreover, ignoring the chaos of mixed media, Fox introduced me to some very interesting stories and some very interesting women. Although the poster-women of the North were mentioned, such as the Brontës and the Suffragettes, I found the stories of women I had not heard of much more engaging. (Kate Marsh)
Yorkshire Life has an article on 'Why Yorkshire’s diverse landscape attracts filmmakers from across the world'.
Another iconic natural area is the North York Moors, and no telling of Wuthering Heights would be complete without featuring this majestic landscape. It appears in countless film and TV adaptations; most recently a 2011 version supported through the Screen Yorkshire’s Fund. Dramatic, moody and drenched in mist, the Yorkshire landscape was described by the film’s cinematographer Robbie Ryan as ‘another character’ and ‘as important as Heathcliff’. Filmed exclusively across Yorkshire, the locations for this production also included Thwaite, Cotescue Park, Coverham, Thrushcross Grange [?!], Moor Close Farm, Muker and Swaledale. (Sam Twyman)
The Globe and Mail (Canada) also mentions the moors:
Still, I was quite looking forward to my day on the moor. I had a romanticized notion of what moors were like, fuelled by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s great hound and Emily Bronte’s tortured passions. A more astute person would have realized those are both essentially ghost stories. (Domini Clark)
Though not fully Brontë-related (except for film adaptations of Jane Eyre), you might still want to read an article in The Telegraph on 'The spooky secrets and strange superstitious markings hidden in 900-year-old Haddon Hall'. Lo Spazio Bianco (in Italian) posts about the upcoming comic Le Sorelle Brontë.

Finally, a non-spooky alert for later today in Rome, as seen on Wanted in Rome:
31 Oct. The British School at Rome hosts Learning to imagine: the Brontës and 19th c. ideals of education, a lecture by Dinah Birch, University of Liverpool, at 18.00 on Wednesday 31 October.
The lecture will focus on the writings of the Brontë family in the context of the educational controversies of the 19th century and the Brontës’ commitment to education, in both professional and personal terms.


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