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Saturday, October 06, 2018

Saturday, October 06, 2018 11:01 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Writers' homes in The Irish Times:
Brontë Parsonage Museum
Release your inner Cathy, or Heathcliff, at the Brontë Parsonage Museum in the pretty village of Haworth, West Yorkshire. Celebrate Emily’s bicentenary, which falls this year, and find out more about Charlotte, Anne and Branwell, a name that would surely be overdue a revival if he hadn’t come to such a poor end. There’s an Irish connection – their father was Irish – and the museum holds a comprehensive archive of their works. It also has loads of period features in their original setting, from Mr Brontë’s study to Charlotte’s bedroom, where both she and her mother died at the age of 38. It means there are loads for detail fiends to pore over, including a kitchen with furniture and utensils that belonged to the family. bronte.org.uk (Sandra O'Connell)
The Lafayette interviews the professor and author Jennifer Gilmore:
As with many authors, Gilmore was inspired not just by her own life, but by the life and writings of those who came before her. “Jane Eyre,” a 1847 novel by Charlotte Brontë, played a particularly strong role in Gilmore’s development as a writer and a person.
“I think the feeling that I got when I read ‘Jane Eyre’ was really instructive,” she said. “The setting of it, the character of Jane, the way that we as readers saw her in her life…what it was doing on all these levels made me really think about building novels.” (Makaela Finley)
This is a first. Mistaking Heathcliff for Rochester. In Financial Times, Rachel Spence describes the work the Swiss artist Heidi Bucher:
When you know this, it’s impossible not to look at “Kleines Glasportal” without Brontësque anti-heroines — remember Heathcliff’s first wife leaping to her death in flames? — coming to mind.
Another author, John Purcell, in The Sidney Morning Herald:
By ''dumb luck'' his self-education in the classics continued when Purcell fell in love and followed a girl to Italy. Her father was an anglophile who studied English literature. On those library shelves he discovered Daniel Defoe, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Emily Brontë's only novel, Wuthering Heights. (Linda Morris)
The Mining Journal explores some new books available at the local library:
Three popular YA novelists — Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows — have teamed up as the “Lady Janies” to write a madcap trilogy inspired by their affection for classic British literature. The second book in the series, “My Plain Jane,” is a hilarious take on Jane Eyre, with a paranormal twist. The Janies insert author Charlotte Brontë alongside familiar characters from her gothic Victorian novel, and gently mock them through a modern, feminist lens. A royal society dedicated to hunting cantankerous ghosts tries in vain to recruit ghost-seer Jane Eyre, who is already smitten with Mr. Rochester. Meanwhile, Charlotte Brontë desperately wants to become a paranormal detective but is rejected by the society. “Nevertheless, she persisted.” My Plain Jane is highly recommended for open-minded Jane Eyre fans, lovers of paranormal fiction, or anyone who needs a good laugh. The first “Janies” novel, My Lady Jane, can also be found on the New Teen shelf, and we are impatiently waiting for the third book to be published. (Mary Schneeberger)
The new film Jeremiah Terminator LeRoy explores the (in)famous case of JT LeRoy and Vanity Fair cannot resist to mention the Brontës because... you know, pseudonyms:
To be taken seriously by the literary cognoscenti, both women pretended to be someone else, in a kind of extension of the long-standing practice of female authors from the Brontë sisters to J. K. Rowling taking on male or gender-neutral pen names. In their day, Israel and Albert had to pose. Now they’re being played by Oscar-nominated actresses, their inventiveness reconsidered and even fêted at film festivals. (Rebecca Keegan)
Fine Books & Collections recommends the catalogue of The Second Shelf which
 some excellent editions of Austen, Brontë, and Du Maurier (Rebecca Rego Barry)
The Guardian on the upcoming Kate Bush book of lyrics:
Heathcliff, it’s me poetry! Can Kate Bush’s lyrics really work as prose?
This December, Bush is to release her first book of lyrics. But when written down, most pop songs lose their mellifluous magic. (Gavin Haynes)
The Asian Age makes a Jane Eyre reference in a description of the Cathedral of the Holy Name in Mumbai, India:
The cathedral was granted the status of a Heritage Building in 1998, and one look at the building is enough to tell you why. Its imposing edifice — looming grey stone walls, huge arches, and sturdy pillars — gives off an eerie, gothic vibe. It makes your inner Jane Eyre imagine echoes of Bertha Mason’s mocking laughter. (Simran Ahuja)
The Tribune News Service describes Tom Hardy's work in Venom:
He’s in full-on crazy-eyed “Wuthering Heights” mode, colored shades of “Bronson” physical intensity, while using his own heavy Brooklyn accent from “The Drop.” He’s absolutely riveting, and hilarious. (Katie Walsh)
Reader's Digest lists books with initial bad reviews:
Emily Brontë’s 1847 novel Wuthering Heights is today considered a classic piece of English literature, inspiring numerous adaptations, both on film and on stage. On the outset, the story appears to be a typical love story between the lovely Catherine and the handsome Heathcliff. However, the novel was not without controversy because of its focus on violence and incest, and early reviews were mixed. While some reviewers praised the story’s imaginative writing, others called it “disagreeable” and “inartistic.” An 1848 review in the Examiner called the novel, “wild, confused, disjointed, and improbable.” (Jennifer Brozak)
Juliette Arnaud recommends in France Inter (in French) Mary MacLane's I Await the Devil's Coming:
Imaginez cette petite personne dans sa ville Butte, Montana, il y a plus d’un siècle de ça, à négocier avec le Diable, et qui en dehors de son amour pour deux Charlotte, Brontë et Corday, vénère … Napoléon. (Translation)
RSI News (in Italian) features L'Ospedale delle Bambole in Napoli, Italy:
Charlotte Brontë scriveva: “Mi portavo sempre nel letto la bambola; gli esseri umani hanno bisogno di amare qualcosa e, in mancanza di un oggetto più degno di tenerezza, mi studiavo di provare piacere amando e vezzeggiando un piccolo idolo sbiadito”. L’Ospedale delle bambole è il luogo in cui il bisogno di amare qualcosa di cui scrive Brontë trova una sua perfetta espressione. Qui si torna bambini e ci si lascia incantare con naturalezza. (Valerio Maggio) (Translation)
ABC and El Cultural (in Spanish) presents the current Madrid performances of Jane Eyre:
Jane Eyre tiene en su interior, continúa la directora [Carme Portaceli], «el instinto de superación más impresionante que yo jamás haya leído. Jane Eyre es una ventana a través de la cual Charlotte Brontë nos enseña su visión del mundo, donde opina sobre la diferencia arbitraria entre clases y hace especial mención al papel de la mujer en el mundo. Pero por encima de todo, “Jane Eyre” es una obra romántica donde la lucha por la libertad es el impulso que guía a la protagonista en un mundo donde las mujeres no la podían alcanzar». (Julio Bravo) (Translation)
Jane Eyre se puso en marcha mediante la aplicación de una criba. “La leímos varias veces Anna Maria Ricart [firmante de la adaptación] y yo. Hacíamos listas de todo aquello que no podía faltar”, explica la directora del Teatro Español, a cuyo escenario trae desde este viernes la versión en castellano. Fueron escogiendo momentos clave de la procelosa narración. Sobre todo los que ilustraban “la incapacidad de Jane para someterse a la injusticia a pesar de que su condición no era la más apropiada para mostrar esa actitud”. A Portaceli le atrajo siempre el poso feminista que alienta esta historia. La de una mujer que, pese a su orfandad y haber caído en las manos de una tía envidiosa y violenta, es capaz de sobreponerse a toda esa adversidad y de contravenir la moral victoriana. (Alberto Ojeda) (Translation)
Lali Bas Dalí and Emília Pomés share Salvador Dalí and Gala's memories in Empordà (in Catalan):
 «Allò era com Cumbres borrascosas; per mi, però, l´Anna Maria [Dalí] va ser com una segona mare», afirmà. (Cristina Vilà) (Translation)
El Nuevo Herald interviews the writer Espido Freire:
Sergio Andricaín: ¿Qué autores admiras? ¿Algunos de ellos han influido en tu escritura? ¿Quiénes y de qué forma?
E.F.: Siempre los clásicos. Es más, cada vez con mayor intensidad, los clásicos. Shakespeare, claro. Yo soy filóloga inglesa. En los últimos años me piden que hable en muchas ocasiones de autoras inglesas, que fueron tantas y tan relevantes en el XIX, y que por fin a través de una lectura nueva de Frankenstein, Orgullo y prejuicio, Cumbres borrascosas o Middlemarchvuelven a ser admiradas y consideradas. Me gustan mucho Eugénides, Atwood, Nooteboom, Pavese, Rilke… (Translation)
Giornale L'Ora (in Italian) reviews Wuthering Heights:
Non aspettatevi la classica storia d’amore fatta di passione, sogni, fiori di rosa, cieli azzurri e lieto fine. “Cime tempestose” è tutt’altro, è una storia di odio e vendetta. (...) (Emy Damiani) (Translation)
LitHub and Rivista Studio (Italy) explores the heights of writers, including Charlotte's and Emily's. Daily Mail's Thought of the Week quotes from an Emily Brontë's poem.


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