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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Several news outlets talk about the new TV series Maniac, directed by the ubiquitous Cary Fukunaga:
“If you take [my first film] ‘Sin Nombre’ and [2011 film] ‘Jane Eyre,’ they’re quite similar actually, even though one was written by Charlotte Brontë in the 1840s and one is a contemporary story taking place now,” he says. “Really it’s about being an orphan in the world and composite families, that’s the line there. I wasn’t an orphan, but exploring this idea of composite families was interesting to me at that time period.” (Lauren Sarner in The New York Post)
In addition to evidence against Fukunaga’s alleged tendency not to play well with others, the marvelous, dizzy Maniac serves as a reminder that the director—who intentionally chose to follow the raw and gritty world of immigration and gang violence in Sin Nombre with the high-collared period romance of Jane Eyre—really can do anything. (Joanna Robinson in Vanity Fair)
And as directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, the genius (and newly minted James Bond director) behind everything from the wonderful 2011 Jane Eyre to the visuals of the first season of True Detective, those moments really land. (Todd VanDerWerff in Vox)
Cinéaste prometteur, avec son premier film Sin Nombre qui avait fait forte impression au Festival du cinéma américain de Deauville et sa délicate et gothique adaptation de Jane Eyre, le réalisateur américain au port de mannequin a explosé sur le petit écran avec le poisseux True Detective de HBO. (Constance Jamet in Le Figaro) (Translation)
GeekDad is ecstatic about Bibliophile. An Illustrated Miscellany:
If you’re looking to revisit some old favorites or are looking for future reading recommendations, Bibliophile is a fun book to have. It includes plenty of inspiring book stacks organized by theme, a special look at different editions of Pride and Prejudice, profiles of dozens of independent bookstores, book recommendations from writers and other book-related folks, and plenty of information about libraries. Here are some of my personal takeaways from the recommended reading stacks:
Do you inhale everything British from the 1800s including Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre? Have you given George Eliot’s Middlemarch a try? (Jenny Bristol)
Just think about it. On The Lincolnite:
It’s often said that ‘everyone has a book in them’ but, for a variety of reasons, those initial sparks of inspiration sometimes never make it beyond a hastily jotted note. It’s easy to forget that those initial ideas form the foundations of great writing. Just think how different the landscape of literature would look if the Brontës had kept their ideas to themselves. (Jason Whittaker)
An insider chronicle of the Cheltenham Literature Festival by Caitlin Moran in The Times:
Therefore, when you suddenly see, say, Hanif Kureishi, walking around the Port Eliot Festival, with his legs, eating a stuffed courgette flower, and banging his head on a dangling sign that reads “Home Made Fudge”, it’s like seeing a Brontë struggling with an iPhone.
 The literary preferences of the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon on iNews:
She also listed many other books that had influenced her, from classics such as Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to more contemporary works. (Chris Green)
Rebecca Lenkiewicz, the screenwriter of Colette, reminisces about her childhood books in Talkhouse:
Among the other literary facts I garnered at the time were that George Eliot was, in fact, a woman – I wanted to draw a mustache on her portrait. And that the Brontë sisters also pretended to be men; Currer, Bell and Co., they sounded like a bank. And this was all to help them publish their books. I must have been around 10 when I found out these things, and I thought the swapping of sexes was some sort of cavalier game. Now in my forties, I look back to that time when I had scant idea of the battles these women had fought to be recognized as writers, their utter bravery to sit down and make work.
The Daily Mail quotes Yoko Ono on John Lennon and herself:
After nearly five years of being together, night and day, the myth of perfect love the couple had woven around themselves — ‘like Cathy and Heathcliff’ as Yoko liked to say in reference to Wuthering Heights — had been shattered. (Ray Connolly)
The Washington Times reviews Behemoth by Joshua B. Freeman:
Charles Dickens spent an entire day visiting America’s biggest cotton manufacturer in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1842. One of the main characters in Charlotte Brontë’s “Shirley” (1849) is Robert Moore, a mill owner who treats his machinery better than his employees. William Blake used the term “dark Satanic Mills” in 1804 in the preface to his famous poem, “Milton.” Friedrich Engels “provided some of the most graphic descriptions we have of the miserable living conditions of English factory workers” before he wrote “The Communist Manifesto” (1848) with Karl Marx. (Michael Taube)
Publishers Weekly reviews the English translation of Les GouvernantesThe Governesses, by Anne Serre:
Serre’s first work to be translated into English is a hypnotic tale of three governesses and the sensuous education they provide. Roaming the country estate of a staid married couple, Monsieur and Madame Austeur, Inès, Laura, and Eléonore are not exactly Jane Eyre types.
NME interviews Matty Healy from The 1975s, who talks about the recording of their new album:
The process of making ‘A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships’ began, in earnest, in Northampton, in a studio Matty had scoped out on a now-abandoned attempt to work with Skepta, a collaboration first mooted when they met at the NME Awards in 2016. Northampton, bringing to mind shoe factories and motorway service stations, feels a world away from this LA idyll, but the band settled in there for six months and Matty found the beauty in the place.
“It’s near where all the Spice Girls live and shit like that, it’s well nice, proper countryside, dogs everywhere, horses,” he says. “Very, very kind of Heathcliff vibes.” (Dan Stubbs)
NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands) complains about the treatment of Dutch classics as compared to how the English take care of their classics:
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk is misschien wel het land met de meeste open schrijvershuizen, en die worden druk bezocht. De vijf voormalige woonhuizen van Shakespeare trekken 750.000 bezoekers per jaar, het Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth bijna 80.000. Het hele dorp daar staat in het teken van de zusters Brontë en het is bijna onmogelijk er weg te komen zonder Brontë-sjaaltje, -pen, -waaier of -paraplu. (Maritha Mathijsen) (Translation)
A participant in a Spanish reality show turns to be an unlikely Brontëite, Isa Pantoja. On Telecinco:
Isa nos desvela que su libro favorito es Cumbres borrascosas y le encanta la obra de Jane Austen o Emily Brontë, y que en general le gusta la literatura inglesa, que ha estudiado desde los 10 años. (José Luis Viruete) (Translation)
Bilan (France) loves Balthus's Wuthering Heights-inspired paintings:
Magnifiques du reste, comme «La toilette de Cathy» inspirée des «Hauts du Hurlevent». Antoinette y fait sa première apparition en muse dénudée. (Etienne Dumont) (Translation)
Bridget Whelan, writer interviews the poet Ann Perrin:
I love autobiographies and am also reading Take Courage Anne Brontë and the Art of Life by Samantha Ellis.
The Loewe Classics Wuthering Heights edition featured on Vogue (Spain); Your Tango lists a Jane Eyre quote among 'beautiful i love you quotes'. Gazzetta di Parma (in Italian) celebrates the 40th anniversary of Kate Bush's Wuthering HeightsBookblurbs posts about Jane Eyre and The Eyre Affair. Zatracona w słowach (in Polish) reviews My Plain Jane.

Finally you can listen to Selene Chillia and Serena di Battista (aka The Sisters' Room) and authors of E Sognai di Cime Tempestose on RAI Radio 2, Ovunque6:
Due ragazze italiane e la passione per un capolavoro della letteratura: andiamo a zonzo nella brughiera di Cime tempestose con un libro che è anche una guida di viaggio.


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