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Monday, September 24, 2018

Let's begin this post with a reminder of the 170th anniversary of the tragic death of Branwell Brontë. Yellow Advertiser does not forget it:
1848: Branwell Brontë, brother of the Brontë sisters, died. He was the inspiration for the violent drunk, Hindley Earnshaw, in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847).
The Japan Times carries an article about the My-Year-In-Japan type of books:
In “On the Bullet Train with Emily Brontë,” Judith Pascoe fills her year in Japan with interviews and sleuthing to gauge the effect of English author Emily Brontë on Japanese culture. Her exploits delve into Japan’s eccentricity, absurdity and its flair for pastiche, while exposing the literary side of a country deep into anime and “boys love” manga. (Amy Chavez)
The Weekly Standard reviews the film A Simple Favor:
Director Paul Feig is telling us at the outset that his movie is a jape and that we’re not to take what happens all that seriously—even though there are disappearances and corpses and fires at Gothic manses straight out of Jane Eyre. (John Podhoretz). 
(Brontë) words and music in Skipton. The Telegraph & Argus informs of an upcoming event in October:
The event, focusing on the legendary literary sisters from Haworth, takes place as part of the national Family Learning Festival.
The evening, at Skipton Library on October 12, starts at 7pm. It is one of a series of events being held at libraries across North Yorkshire throughout the month. (Alistair Shand)
Richmond Times-Dispatch covers Virginia's 7th congressional district elections:
“My experience teaching Shakespeare and Brontë in Northern Virginia to a bunch of embassy kids is really not relevant to my run for Congress,” she [Abigail Spanberger, the Democrat candidate] said. (Patrick Wilson)
Dewezet (Germany) reviews  Die Geschwister Brontë as seen in Hämelschenburg, Germany, a few days ago:
Ihre frühen Lebensjahre waren nicht das, was heute unter einer schönen Kindheit verstanden wird. Mehr ertragend als erlebend wachsen sie im viktorianischen England, auf den unwirtlichen Höhen des Yorkshire Moors und in der räumlichen wie finanziellen Enge bei Reverend Brontë in Harworth auf. (...)
Es war der vorletzte Abend der Reihe „Beziehungen“ im Rahmen des diesjährigen Literaturfestes Niedersachsen. Unter dem Titel „Die Geschwister Brontë – eine lebenslange Beziehung“ erzählten die Schauspielerinnen Sonja Beißwenger, Johanna Krumstroh, Katharina Spierung und ihr männlicher Kollege Henning Nöhren aus dem Leben der Vier, lasen Passagen aus der Brontë-Biografie von Elsemarie Maletzke ebenso vor wie aus den Werken selbst. Sie taten es in Mimik und stimmlicher Modulation einfühlsam und höchst überzeugend. Nebenher sorgten sie auch für die vergnügliche Facette der – übrigens ausverkauften – Veranstaltung, zum Beispiel als Katharina Spiering und Henning Nöhren ihr Publikum mit dem szenisch vorgetragenen „Der Poetaster“, ergötzten. (Burkhard Reimer) (Translation)
Trendencias (in Spanish) is all for Victorian fashion:
Protagonistas de una novela de Emily Brontë.
La moda rescata tendencias del pasado y esta vez echa la vista hacia atrás para presentar (de nuevo) el estilo victoriano. Las Semanas de la Moda han sido el mejor escenario para mostrar cómo llevar blusas cerradas, con volumen y volantes que te van a convertir en una de las protagonistas de Emily Brontë. (Charlie) (Translation)
Well, as the number of female characters in Emily Brontë's novel is rather limited (nor are they particularly well-dressed) this claim seems a bit odd. Unless you don't know what you are talking about which, of course, is not what is going on at all.

UOL (Brazil) recalls Cary Fukunaga directing Jane Eyre 2011:
Paradoxalmente, o próximo projeto de Fukunaga foi "Jane Eyre", adaptação do livro de Charlotte Brontë sobre uma jovem governanta (Mia Wasikowska) que acaba se apaixonando pelo patrão (Michael Fassbender) na Inglaterra do século XIX. Mais uma vez, o diretor brigou com o estúdio para filmar tudo em locação.
Fukunaga queria rodar o filme nas colinas e vales do norte da Inglaterra, com suas árvores retorcidas pelo vento e seus casarões empoeirados. Tudo para destacar uma parte "sombria" do livro de Brontë que não havia sido abordada em outras adaptações. "Os diretores sempre trataram 'Jane Eyre' como um romance de época, mas ele não é só isso", comentou ao "Movieline". (Caio Coletti) (Translation)
Basler Zeitung (Switzerland) interviews the author Jennifer Clement:
Bücher, die gesellschaftlich etwas bewegt haben: «Oliver Twist» führte dazu, dass Gesetze zur Kinderarbeit geändert wurden. Die Bücher von Jane Austen und Charlotte Brontë änderten die Eigentumsrechte zugunsten von Frauen – ich habe gerade ein kleines Haus in Mexiko gekauft und heimlich Austen und Brontë dafür gedankt, dass mir das möglich ist. In Frankreich hat Victor Hugos «Les Misérables» dazu geführt, das man Armut mit anderen Augen angesehen hat...  (Markus Wüest) (Translation)
Awesome Gang interviews the writer Maria Johnson:
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My favourite author & book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. It was probably reading Jane Eyre several times when I was growing up that inspired me to want to take writing more seriously.
Excelsior (México) vindicates Julio Castillo, who directed the TV telenovela Encadenados in 1988 (180 episodes loosely based on Wuthering Heights). Melissa Joulwan's Well Fed visits Leeds and takes the KWVR train up to Haworth. Recenzje zwykłej czytelniczki (in Polish) reviews My Plain Jane. Anne Brontë.org posts on Maria Brontë and her manuscript  The Advantages of Poverty in Religious Concerns.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog faithfully every day, and it was such a lovely surprise to see your link to my post about Leeds. Thank you!
