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Friday, September 07, 2018

Friday, September 07, 2018 2:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
The annual Brontë Society Conference begins today, September 7, in York:
Emily Brontë. A Peculiar Music
Bicentenary Conference

York Marriott Hotel,
September 07th 2018 02:00pm - September 09th 2018 02:00pm

The Brontë Society’s 2018 conference will celebrate the life and work of Emily Brontë in her bicentenary year. Variously described as visionary, determinedly private, and singular, Emily is the most enigmatic of the Brontë siblings, and this conference affords us opportunities to delve deeper into the complexities of her personality and her limited but extremely influential literary output. We’re delighted to announce three keynote speakers: Professor Stevie Davies, novelist, literary critic, biographer and historian, who has published four books on Emily Brontë; Professor John Bowen,Professor of Nineteenth-Century Literature at the University of York, and contributor to BBC2's Being the Brontës, and recently Radio 4's In Our Time, discussing Wuthering Heights and Beyond Belief, discussing Jane Eyre; and Dr Hila Shachar, a member of the Centre for Adaptations at De Montfort University, whose research focuses on the adaptation of literary works and cultural afterlives. The keynotes will address, respectively, the lyricism of Emily’s work, landscape, and adaptations, and panel sessions will engage with a broad range of topics.


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