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Friday, August 10, 2018

The Islington Tribune talks about the Lily Cole's film Balls:
It is a harrowing scene and one that features in a new film, Balls, co-written and directed by former model: the actor, activist and 2016 Foundling Fellow, Lily Cole.
A joint project with the Foundling Museum, the Brontë Parsonage, and RRU News, the film marks the 200th anniversary of Emily Brontë’s death and recognises one of the most famous foundlings in literary history: Heathcliff from Brontë’s Wuthering Heights.
Exploring the links between the Foundling Hospital story and Brontë’s novel, it also reflects on the progress of women’s rights over the past 200 years. (...)
Set in modern-day Liverpool, Balls begins with a quote from the much-loved novel and a reference to Heathcliff who was abandoned on the streets of Liverpool: “but where did he come from, the dark little thing?”
We then watch as two women – Mary Ann Carr and Black Peggy (both real cases) – put their children up to be cared for by the Foundling Hospital. (...)
Black Peggy’s child, like Heathcliff, was born in the 18th century. The result of a seduction when she was just 14. Mary Ann, Brontë’s near contemporary, gave up her child in 1848, the year of the author’s death.
The 12-minute film leaves much to the viewer’s interpretation: the circumstances of these women outlined only in the sketchiest of terms. (...)
As part of the project the film is simultaneously on display at the Brontë Parsonage. It is accompanied by items from the Foundling Museum.
Similarly, items from the Parsonage are on display at the Foundling Museum. There is a sampler made by Emily Brontë as well as a sketch she made just before her 10th birthday. (Jane Clinton)
Broadway World UK publishes the first pictures of the cast of Wasted:
Picture Source
 Through the lens of a rock documentary, Wasted is a brand new musical that gives an access-all-areas account of the struggles, heartbreaks and triumphs of the three Brontë sisters Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and their brother Branwell. Brought up in a remote, poverty-stricken town in Yorkshire, without money or opportunity, they fought ill health, unrequited love and family feuds to write some of the most celebrated literature including Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.
Never afraid to rebel against expectations, the lives behind the pages expose a struggling, squabbling, ferociously driven, drug-fuelled crash and burn trajectory from obscurity to celebrity and ultimately to their untimely deaths. Coupled with a rock score from Christopher Ash (Showstoppers - Oliver Award winner for Best Entertainment), book and lyrics by Carl Miller (Emil and the Detectives, National Theatre), directed by Adam Lenson (Superhero), the Brontës ask - was it all wasted?
The Telegraph (India) celebrates Emily Brontë:
Much like her sisters, Emily Brontë - whose 200th birth anniversary was last week - had both a truncated life and relatively scant published work. In spite of this, she garnered more critical attention than most other 19th-century writers. And among all the Brontë sisters, Emily remains the real mystery. Our perceptions of her are mostly gleaned from the handful of descriptions by Charlotte, who portrayed her sister as an untamed spirit of the moors, and Charlotte's biographer, Elizabeth Gaskell. (And there is no way to tell how accurate Gaskell's ideas are.) Among the few things we know for sure are that she died of consumption when she was just 30 years old, and only had time to leave behind her poetry and, of course, Wuthering Heights. (...) (Nayantara Mazumder)
The title of the article Often rebuked, yet always back returning is a bit of a problem as the poem's attribution to Emily is doubtful.

Il Sole (Italy) also celebrates Emily's anniversary but in this case with the wrong picture (is it really so difficult?):
I suoi occhi avevano un colore indefinibile. A volte erano blu, talvolta si incupivano e viravano sul grigio scuro. Uno sguardo inafferrabile e impenetrabile che rifiutava di essere definito o inquadrato. Così è anche il suo unico romanzo il capolavoro Wuthering Heights (in italiano Cime Tempestose) che l’ha consacrata alla storia. Sono passati 200 anni dalla nascita di Emily Brontë, una delle più grandi scrittrici della letteratura inglese. Della vita di questa geniale autrice si sa ben poco, nonostante la scrittura sia stata fedele compagna della sua breve esistenza spezzata dalla tisi a soli trent’anni.
Eccetto il libro e le sue poesie, sono rimaste solo alcune scarne carte personali. Le frammentarie notizie biografiche che la riguardano sono emerse dal carteggio di una famiglia che forse rappresenta un caso unico nella storia della letteratura. Emily fa parte del cerchio magico di donne che si era creato a casa Brontë. Appartiene a quella feconda sorellanza che scrisse e pubblicò tre indimenticabili libri senza tempo: Cime Tempestose scaturito dalla fervida mente di Emily, Jane Eyre scritto da Charlotte e Agnes Grey opera dell’altra sorella Anne. (Frederica Ginesu) (Translation)
Il Bosone (Italy) also posts about Emily Brontë's bicentenary.

Is Brontë country being gentrified? Wall Street Journal says:
Young Families Embrace Living in ‘Wuthering Heights Country’
Amid a slow housing market, buyers attracted to good schools prop up prices in the moors of northern England made famous by Emily Brontë novels.
The wild, windswept moors of northern England, where the Brontë sisters lived and set their novels, holds a fabled place in literary history.
And new research suggests that the manor houses, farmhouses and ancient cottages of "Wuthering Heights country" are proving themselves as enduring as the sisters’ greatest works. (Ruth Bloomfield)
Actress Emily Mortimer chooses her favourite books on Vulture:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I first read this when I was a young girl, way before I had ever had any real romance of my own … but Kathy’s (sic) speech to her maid Nellie about her love for Heathcliff always stayed with me: “Nelly, I AM Heathcliff — he’s always, always in my mind — not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself — but, as my own being.” It’s still for me the most passionate and fatalistic novel about romantic love.
Ann Treneman's column in The Times mentions the Brontës, via Patti Smith:
Most rock stars age badly and end up embarrassing to everyone (eg Morrissey, I rest my case). Patti Smith is, however, the absolute opposite. I’ve always liked her but it was her evocative and honest autobiography Just Kids that made me realise how really special she is. At 71, she remains original, thoughtful and always interested in the world. She is also a huge Brontë fan (as am I) and has a passion for graveyards (as I do).
Hotty Toddy's editors choose their favourite books:
 Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I read this book after I watched the original movie with my mother on a rainy Saturday afternoon. I was a young teen and bored and while watching a black and white movie was not on my cool list of things to do, I sat with my mom anyway because she was recouping from pneumonia and couldn’t do much. I loved the movie so much, I checked out the book at the school library a few days later. It was a little creepy, a little romantic and a whole lot of wonderful writing. I read the book many times over the years. As a young child, my favorite book was Charlotte’s Web and it was my first “big book.” Wuthering Heights remains my all time favorite, I believe not just because of the book but because of my fond memories of having something to share with my mother. (Alyssa Schnugg)
The Seattle Times presents some new crime fiction:
Far more conventional is Susan Elia MacNeal’s “The Prisoner in the Castle” (Bantam, 320 pp., $26). It centers on Maggie Hope, an English spy during WWII who in seven previous outings has proven her great intelligence, strength and bravery.
It’s also an overt homage to Agatha Christie’s 1939 classic “And Then There Were None,” along with a whiff of “Jane Eyre.(Adam Woog)
Zee News interviews the writer Ashaani Taneja:
She has been an avid reader and is often found in a corner absorbed in her favourite novels. Her favourite books include Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Roald Dahl's Charlie and the chocolate factory.  
Los Angeles Times reviews The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society film:
He introduces himself as a founding member of that Guernsey society, a book club actually, and innocently wonders if she could guide him to some other books. Because audiences have already seen what a Heathcliff look-alike [Dawsey] Adams is, we know where this story is going well before the characters themselves. (Kenneth Turan)
Actualidad Literaria (in Spanish) interviews writer María José Moreno:
Ana Lena Rivera Muñiz: ¿Algún libro que de vez en cuando te apetece volver a leer?MJM: (...) Novelas que he releído: El príncipe de las mareas, me encanta, de Pat Conroy; Rebeca de Daphne du Morier, Cuerpos y almas de Maxence Van der Meersch o Cumbres borrascosas de Emily Brönte.(sic) (Translation)
A literature festival winner (and Brontëite) on DNAEl Punt-Avui (in Catalan) introduces some Brontë family elements in its Wuthering Heights discussion. A test in Your Tango mentions Wuthering Heights. The Eyre Guide continues listing Charlotte Brontë’s original edits from her Jane Eyre manuscript. The Brontë Parsonage Blog reviews Emily Jane Brontë and her Music by John Hennessy.


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