Wednesday, August 08, 2018
1:03 am by M. in

Alison Neil's one-woman-show
Truly Yours, C.B. forthcoming dates:
Church Stretton Festival
School Theatre
Church Stretton School, Church Stretton, Shropshire
August 8th 2018 at 7.30pm
This time, Alison presents Truly Yours, C.B. the story of Charlotte Brontë, her remarkable and sometimes “off the wall” but very talented family and their life at Haworth. It touches on her writing Jane Eyre, of Shirley and Villette, and of her falling for a married man, Constantin Héger, and writing “coarse” letters to him.
Devoted to her strange and unworldly family, Charlotte Brontë was also wildly ambitious. Whilst remaining a self-effacing and dutiful daughter, abiding by all the restrictions of early Victorian life, she managed the incredible feat of becoming a hugely famous novelist. The instant success of Jane Eyre, Shirley and Villette found her mixing with the literary giants of the age.
The joy of literary success was tempered by the scandalous fall of her brother Branwell, and a succession of family disasters. Charlotte’s own life, however, had an extraordinary, happy twist at the end.
The Brontë family’s story has captivated the imagination for a century and a half. Alison Neil’s portrayal of the life of Charlotte Brontë – using many of Charlotte’s own words – provides an exceptional theatrical treat.
Llandrindod Wells Victorian Festival
The Ballroom
Metropole Hotel, Temple Street, Llandrindod Wells
August 23rd 2018 7.30pm
Wellington Arts Festival
Charlton School Studio Theatre
Apley Avenue, Wellington, Telford
October 20 2018 at 7.30pm
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