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    4 months ago

Monday, August 13, 2018

Keeping Up with the Penguins reviews Jane EyreAnneBrontë.org posts about Martha and John Brown as Brontë servants and eventually friends. Girl with her Head in a Book ponders on what the sisters would think of Haworth and the Brontë industry today.

Korea JoongAng Daily quotes Emily Brontë's poem The Old Stoic:
When I heard this, I shuddered. Emily Bronte wrote, “And give me liberty! Yes, as my swift days near their goal; ’Tis all that I implore; In life and death a chainless soul, With courage to endure.” When people leave the restrictions of reality and the human body, we wish the soul to be free and independent. (Moon So-Young
Mirage News interviews Stephanie Watson, clinician-researcher and innovator:
Who’s your favourite female fictitious character and why?It has to be Jane Eyre, for the enormous impact that book had on my 12-year-old self. She was a person with strong convictions who didn’t accept the way things were and (within the constraints of the time) she found her own path to happiness.
Den of Geek! reviews the film adaptation of The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society:
Set primarily in 1946, The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society follows James’ Juliet Ashton, a fairly successful writer, especially as a woman in her time period. Nevertheless, she is creatively and intellectually stymied: During the Blitzkrieg she lost her parents, and after her attempts at serious literature with a biography on Anne Brontë prove non-lucrative, she’s succeeded with sardonic essays... written under a man’s nom de plume. (David Crow)
News18 (India) on the death of VS Naipaul:
I was introduced to Naipaul as part of a literature course. At that point of time, my idea of literature and literary classics was Dickens, Austen, and Brontë. At the most, I could stretch my knowledge of literature outside the classical norm to RK Narayan and Amar Chitra Katha. (Rujita Das)
The Spanish edition of the New York Times talks about Rodrigo Fresán, and in particular his novel La parte inventada:
Aunque los dos libros que se exploran con más énfasis en la novela sean Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë, y Suave es la noche, de Francis Scott Fitzgerald, algunos capítulos parecen seguir el modelo de La contravida, de Philip Roth. (Jorge Carrión) (Translation) 
The reading of Wuthering Heights in El Punt-Avui (in Catalan) is finished.:
 Aleshores Heatchcliff va subornar l’enterramorts perquè, quan ell morís, desfés el taüt de Catherine i el seu, de manera que els dos cadàvers s’abracessin per l’eternitat. Aquesta és la història d’amor i mort que narra Cims borrascosos, però, al final de la novel·la, se n’esbossa una de feliç entre Catherine i Hareton. Passejant tranquil, Lockwood troba les tres làpides (les d’Edgar, Cathy, Heatchcliff) sobre el pendent de l’erm. I, escoltant la remor suau del vent que agita l’herba, es pregunta com hi pot haver algú que pensi que els qui dormen en aquella plàcida terra tinguin un son inquiet. Qui ho pot saber? (Imma Merino) (Translation)
A new chance to see the recent Montenegrin adaptation of Wuthering Heights in Tivat, Montenegro:
Purgatorije 2018 Festival
Orkanski Visovi
Scena Atrijum Buća
13.avg. 21:00h


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