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Sunday, August 05, 2018

Sunday, August 05, 2018 9:41 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Samantha Ellis's review of Claire O'Callaghan's Emily Brontë. Reappraised previously published in The Telegraph (paywalled), can now be read (for free) in The Independent (Ireland).

The upcoming Book Lovers Day in The Free Press Journal:
Bollywood’s arguably best read actress Sonam Kapoor finds Rebecca “lovely”, and has a soft spot for Jane Austen novels. However, it’s her top choice that wins our heart – Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights, even though it’s a “so-not-happy love story!”
We couldn’t agree more. Who could resist Heathcliff, the tortured romantic hero of this Emily Brontë novel, whose all-consuming passion destroys him and those around him? The very name – Heathcliff, suggestive of the bleak, lonely Yorkshire moors… Even though Heathcliff eventually grows into a bitter, haunted man we prefer focusing on his youthful love for Catherine Earnshaw. His orphaned childhood, his revenge, his ambiguous position in society, combined with his complicated yet mesmerising personality make him more hero less villain despite the darkness which consumes him. (Nichola Paris)
Things to do with kids in holidays in The Sunday Times:
Some kids are even working hard to get discounts themselves. Jemma Jackson from Lewisham, south London, is proud of her daughter Tallulah Jones, 8, who applied for a Blue Peter badge.
“Tallulah was really irked that we never took her to theme parks — she’s an adrenaline junkie. So she spent a whole week, after school every night, writing a story and covering letter to try to get a Blue Peter badge so she can get free entry to Blackpool Pleasure Beach.”
Jackson, who works in public relations, added: “Now of course I have to take her there during the summer holidays — but on the bright side she also gets free entry to places that are more appealing to me, such as the Brontë Parsonage Museum in West Yorkshire.” (Ruth Emery)
The writer Éilís Ní Dhuibhne in The Irish Times:
I had no arguments to defend my literary ambitions, or those of my gender. I might have mentioned the female army of the college English syllabus – that trusty triumvirate: Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, Emily Dickinson.  
Il Tirreno (Italy) quotes from Charlotte Brontë:
“L'anima, fortunatamente, ha un interprete - spesso inconscio ma sempre fedele - negli occhi”. Parafrasando Charlotte Brontë, gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima. (Camilla de Fazio) (Translation)
The original quote is of course:
The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter—often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter—in the eye. (Jane Eyre, Chapter XXVII)
The Harvard Crimson talks about Alice Walker's The Color Purple:
If Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” is protofeminist, Walker’s “The Color Purple” is womanist — celebrating irrevocable bonds among strong, capable women who find themselves shackled by intersecting layers of abuse at the hands of the men in their lives. (Meena Venkataramanan)
Culturamente (Italy) interviews  Selene Chilla and Serena Di Battista, the authors of E Sognai di Cime Tempestose:
Maurizio Carvigno: E sognai di Cime tempestose è una guida ideale per chi ama il mondo di Emily Brontë. In questa intervista le due autrici ci raccontano come è nato il libro ma anche il loro amore per la scrittrice inglese.Lo scorso maggio, la casa editrice Alcheringa edizioni ha pubblicato un piccolo gioiello: E sognai di cime tempestose di Selene Chilla e Serena Di Battista. Abbiamo incontrato le due autrici per parlare del libro ma anche del loro infinito amore per il romanzo di Emily Brontë e per tutto il mondo che da sempre circonda la scrittrice inglese.
M.C.: Quando è sorta la vostra passione per Cime tempestose?La passione per il romanzo di Emily Brontë è nata durante gli anni delle scuole superiori, quando le nostre professoresse di letteratura inglese ci hanno fatto conoscere per la prima volta Heathcliff e Catherine. Abbiamo subito intuito che la loro vicenda fosse qualcosa di più di una semplice storia d’amore. Siamo state fin dal principio attratte dalla profondità dei personaggi, dall’intensità della narrativa di Emily, dalla veridicità dei sentimenti che descrive. (Translation)
Imma Merino in El Punt-Avui (in Catalan) continues her detour from Wuthering Heights and discusses Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own Brontë comments:
Virginia Woolf afirma que, a través de Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë assenyala les limitacions que van marcar els seus defectes (i els de la seva germana Emily) com a novel·lista. Que ella sabia que el seu geni, en lloc d’haver-lo malgastat en contemplacions solitàries en camps distants, s’hauria beneficiat d’una experiència més gran, del contacte amb el món i els viatges. Potser sí. Però, comprenent les queixes de Jane Eyre, una també pensa que, recloses a la casa familiar de Haworth entre els erms de West Yorkshire, les Brontë tenien la imaginació que va nodrir la seva escriptura i va eixamplar la seva vida. (Translation)
A coverless Jane Eyre in a bookcrossing cabin in Clermont-Ferrand in La Montagne (in French); BookHippie reviews Wuthering Heights; the radio programme L'air du crime in Radio France includes the aria May she wake in torment from Bernard Herrmann's Wuthering Heights. ActuaLitté (in French) reviews The Infernal World of Branwell Brontë by Daphne du Maurier.


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