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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday, July 28, 2018 3:00 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Today, July 28, at the Parsonage:

Making Your Mark Online: Everything You've always Wanted to Know About Blogging, Vlogging, Podcasting and More
Workshop with Lucy Powrie
July 28th 2018 10:00am - 12:00pm

Lucy Powrie, Brontë Society Young Ambassador and acclaimed YouTuber, hosts a workshop for anyone wanting to make their mark in the online world, and shares the expertise that saw her named one of the UK’s top ten best book bloggers by The Guardian, and hailed by The Times as ‘the Zoella of books’. Lucy will lead you through the world of online content, from blogging to vlogging via podcasting and Instagram, and will share some of her top tips for creating content, building a following and developing a brand. This session is open to all, no previous knowledge is required, and all you need to bring is a notebook, a pen and an open mind.
Lucy began her blog aged twelve, driven by a passion for books that she couldn’t help but share, and has since amassed a following of over 18,000 on YouTube, and passed one million page views on her blog. When she’s not on social media, she’s an author, avid reader, and animal lover. Her favourite Brontë novel is Shirley.
Painting in the Parsonage
Free drop-in workshop
July 28th 2018 11:00am - 04:00pm

The famous ‘pillar portrait’ of Emily and her siblings is temporarily back in its original home here at the Parsonage. This drop-in workshop gives you the chance to pick up  a paintbrush and join artist Vic Buta in recreating this iconic portrait, but this time with you in it!
Women, the Gothic and Emily
Katherine Clements and Beth Underdown in conversation
July 28th 2018 03:30pm - 05:00pm

The imposing houses, eerie doubling of names and wandering of unquiet spirits combine within Wuthering Heights to create one of the great Gothic texts of the nineteenth century. Emily Brontë’s only published novel continues to cast a looming shadow over Gothic writing up to the present day. On the occasion of her two hundredth birthday, novelists Katherine Clements and Beth Underdown discuss the impact of Wuthering Heights on their own writing, and how their work contributes to a continuing Gothic tradition, in this  event chaired by author Rosie Garland.

This, That and 'The Other'
Saturday’s headline event curated by Melanie Abrahams
July 28th 2018 07:30pm - 10:00pm

Saturday’s headline event curated by wordplay and the art of Trinidad-style liming. With Patience Agbabi, John Siddique, Jay Bernard, Will Harris and featuring solos and duets by Tobago Crusoe and Melanie Abrahams.
Melanie Abrahams features a stunning array of poets, musicians and wordsmiths, all offering their personal response to the themes of ‘other’ and the ‘outsider’; themes central to Wuthering Heights and pertinent to Emily herself. Join us to experience the thrill of performance, perfectly pitched speech, rousing


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