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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday, July 31, 2018 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Alerts for today, July 31

In Marseille, France:

Écran (s) Total #6 : le cinéma d'été à l'Alcazar !

Les lumières d’août
- Mardi 31 juillet à 15h – Les soeurs Brontë 1979

Drame d'André Téchiné (France - 1979 - 1h55), avec Marie-France Pisier, Isabelle Adjani...

Charlotte Bronte évoque certains épisodes de sa vie avec sa famille dans l'Angleterre du début du XIXe siècle : le quotidien avec son père pasteur, ses soeurs Anne et Emily, qui aspiraient comme elle à devenir écrivains, et son frère Barnwell, un peintre au tempérament passionné.
At the Foundling Museum in London:
Lily Cole: Balls  
31 Jul 2018 — 02 Dec 2018

We present Balls, a new film by Foundling Fellow Lily Cole exploring connections between the Foundling Hospital story and Emily Brontë’s much-loved novel Wuthering Heights. 2016 Foundling Fellow Lily Cole has created a film to mark the 200th anniversary of Emily Brontë’s birth. On display in the Committee Room, Balls takes as its starting point Heathcliff, the foundling character central to Wuthering Heights, and explores links between the Foundling Hospital story and the much-loved novel by Brontë. Cole’s film is inspired by two separate but intertwined stories; the real lives of desperate women and the babies they gave up to the care of the Foundling Hospital, which are meticulously documented in the Hospital’s archives; and Heathcliff, the foundling antihero in Wuthering Heights. Set in modern day Liverpool, the film shines a light on how the the lives of women, celebrated or unknown, were so circumscribed by society in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and considers the extent to which progress has been made.
To accompany the film, we display objects from the Brontë Parsonage Museum relating to the author and her inspiration. The film is also displayed at the Brontë Parsonage Museum and as part of Culture Liverpool 2018.
Balls is co-written by Lily Cole and Stacey Gregg, and produced by Kate Wilson at Fury Films. The film has been co-commissioned by the Foundling Museum, Brontë Parsonage Museum and Rapid Response Unit, with support from Arts Council England.
And of course, if we mention Lily Cole...
The Brontës & the Cornwall Connection – a talk by Nick Holland
Tuesday 31st luly,11am at Morrab Library, Pz free & all welcome

A talk by Nick Holland July 2018 marks the tooth anniversary of the birth of Emily Brontë, the shy, enigmatic genius who wrote possibly the greatest book of all time: Wuthering Heights. Along with her sisters Charlotte and Anne she has made Haworth, Yorkshire a place of literary pilgrimage, yet the Brontë sisters were highly influenced by their Cornish heritage.
Nick Holland is the acclaimed author of 'In Search Of Anne Brontë' and 'Emily Brontë: A Life In 20 Poems', his new book 'Aunt Branwell And The Brontë Legacy' is out in September.
For this talk, Nick has travelled to Penzance from Yorkshire, reversing the journey took by Maria and Elizabeth Branwell, two women who shaped the sisters, their lives and their writing. He will look at the links between the Branwells of Penzance and the Brontes of Haworth, showing how it led to triumph, tragedy and novels of brilliance that will live for ever. 


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