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Monday, July 23, 2018

The Yorkshire Post talks about the writer Julie Noble and reminds us that
In 2004, she published her first novel Ta lli’s Secret, a book for older children which tells the story of a girl who survives a car accident that kills her sister and meets the ghost of Charlotte Brontë while visiting Brontë Parsonage. The main character in the book, Cassie, has dyspraxia - a condition which affects physical coordination and in real life also affected Maria Brontë, the eldest sister of Brontë family who died at 11, and Jonathon, Noble’s eldest son.
Noble says one of her main motivations in writing the story was to raise awareness about what her son, who also has dyslexia, was going through after he struggled to get understanding at school. (Chris Burn)
AFNews (Italy) announces the publication (by Bao Publishing) in the fall of an Italian translation of the comic Jane by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez. In Spain, the comic will be published this month. Panini Confidencial publishes an article celebrating the publication and Jane Eyre in general:
De todas las novelas del siglo XIX, Jane Eyre siempre ha sido mi favorita. Recuerdo perfectamente la primera vez que la leí de adolescente, completamente absorta, sintiendo al fin que una protagonista femenina me hablaba de tú a tú a través del tiempo con una voz poderosa. No tardé mucho en caer en el embrujo de Charlotte Brontë, de indagar sobre su vida. Quería saber todo sobre aquella escritora que, en un contex-to histórico tan adverso para las mujeres, fue capaz de crear un personaje tan fuerte e inolvidable. Y así es como descu-brí, para mi sorpresa, que la propia Charlotte  poseía todas las cualidades para ser la protagonista de una novela victoriana. (...)
Alice Brosh McKenna ha sabido coger todas estas características de Jane Eyre, actualizarlas y plasmarlas de manera magistral en esta novela gráfica que ahora publica Panini Comics, apoyándose en las bellas ilustraciones de Ramón K. Pérez. Por supuesto, eran necesarios algunos cambios. Jane  ya no vive en los brumosos páramos de la lluviosa Gran Bretaña. Ahora es de Massachusetts y su vida cambia por completo cuando se marcha a vivir a Nueva York. (Silvia Broome) (Translation)
The New Zealand Herald announces that the Whitcoulls Top 100 Book 2018 List has been published. It includes Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.
Thousands of readers from around the country have helped shape the Whitcoulls Top 100 Books List - now in its 22nd year - highlighting New Zealanders' wide and varied reading habits, from thrillers, romance, classics and memoirs to books on wellbeing and spirituality. When deciding which book to pick up next, or if you need a guaranteed choice to gift a loved one, the Top 100 List is your essential guide.
Bucks County Courier Times publishes a heartfelt article on how little we know about the ones closest to us:
[My mom's] favorite movie was “Jane Eyre,” starring Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine. She was smitten with handsome young Orson, and if you know the storyline, you can see how that film would capture the imagination of a 13-year-old girl, which is how old she was when the movie was released in 1943. (JD Mullane)
An alert from Moscow. Apparently (the online translation of Russian is... not really very good) there is a talk today about Emily Brontë at the Северное Бутово (a social services office, we think):
Правда чувств (The Truth of the Senses)
14.00 h  ul. Starokachalovskaya, 3, building 1. 
Feminism in India explores the Madwoman In The Attic topic, how “mad” was Bertha Mason in Jane Eyre? concluding that
The sexual repression, social isolation and emotional trauma that Bertha undergoes after being betrayed and cheated on by Rochester are shown by Jean Rhys in Wide Sargasso Sea as reasons responsible for Bertha’s (supposed) madness.
She wasn’t always mad; (if at all) her containment had made it so. (Ismat Ara) (Translation)
Paradise with Books (in Polish) reviews The Tenant of Wildfell HallRachel Sutcliffe publishes a list of Brontë-related places to visit. The Sisters' Room posts about the Brontë Parsonage's Emily Brontë bicentenary events. AnneBrontë.org lists four visitors to the Parsonage: Mary Taylor, Elizabeth Gaskell, Virginia Wolf and Sylvia Plath.


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