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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Deseret News reviews My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows,
"My Plain Jane" tells the story of "Jane Eyre" as if the main character was a real person who attended the Lowood school for girls alongside Charlotte Brontë. Besides throwing the author into the story, "My Plain Jane" adds one other twist to the classic novel — Jane Eyre can see ghosts.
These ghosts include her deceased childhood best friend Helen Burns, whose ghost still follows Jane around though Jane is now 18 and looking to become a governess. Charlotte is Jane's living best friend who's always scribbling away in her notebook and looking for something exciting to write about.(...)
Despite sometimes mocking Brontë's book, "My Plain Jane" still manages to honor Bronte's genius and acknowledge that "Jane Eyre" is compelling, well-written and ahead of its time. Through Charlotte's character, readers are able to see what obstacles Bronte was up against in her life and how, through tenacity and intelligence, she was able to overcome them.
"My Plain Jane" carries on the Monty Python-like, tongue-in-cheek, anachronistic humor of its predecessor, and amps it up a notch with references to "Harry Potter," "Lord of the Rings," "Princess Bride" and, of course, "The Sixth Sense." There are even a couple implicit jabs at America's current president.
If there is a complaint it is that, just as with "My Lady Jane," the narrators of "My Plain Jane" can be heavy-handed in their comical asides, often pulling the reader abruptly out of the story, preventing a truly submersive read. (Michelle Garrett Bulsiewicz)
Perspective of a Writer also reviews the novel.

The Irish novelist Liz Nugent is a Brontëite according to Newstalk's Shane Coleman Top Five Books podcast as reviewed by The Independent (Ireland):
Liz Nugent admitted she "only recently started reading non-fiction", name-checking I Found My Tribe by Ruth Fitzmaurice and Matchstick Man by Julia Kelly. But her top five were all fiction, and included Banville's The Book of Evidence, Perfume by Patrick Süskind, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights - Liz first read it in Leaving Cert, which is the ideal time in my opinion - and Pat McCabe's The Butcher Boy. (Darragh McManus)
The Press Herald reviews Tangerine by Christine Mangan:
Mangan plays with familiar tropes, but she deploys them with wit, insight and precision. She hides some literary Easter eggs in her prose, including tips of the hat to the Brontës, to Shirley Jackson (penning tales of paranoia back in Vermont), and to expatriate writer Paul Bowles, author of “The Sheltering Sky.” (Michael Berry)
Image discusses The Great Gatsby among other books:
I know it was a product of its time, blah blah blah, but if Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters could dream up a collection of flawed but deeply compelling female characters over a century before, he could have dredged up some character (any character!) for the supposedly irresistible Daisy. (Lauren Heskin)
The Sunday Herald interviews the writer Leila Aboulelah:
We meet four days after Ramadan, and as she prepares lunch she is still revelling in being able to eat and drink during daylight hours. The chocolate biscuits we take with our coffee are left over from the Eid celebrations, when fasting ended. As is obvious from her work and attire, Aboulela is a devout Muslim, as spiritual as Marilynne Robinson or – to use her examples of writers whose work is rich in religious meaning – Muriel Spark, Dostoevsky or Charlotte Brontë.
Le Point (France) talks about paperbacks:
Filipacchi avait raison, le livre aussi allait croquer dans le grand gâteau de la culture de masse. Un demi-siècle plus tard, Philip Marlowe, Emily Brontë, Homère et Hercule Poirot étaient dans toutes les poches. (Marine de Tilly) (Translation)
Le Monde interviews the writer Tatiana de Rosnay:
Pascal Krémer: Enfant, vous étiez constamment plongée dans les livres ?
(...)Mais c’est la littérature anglo-saxonne qui a façonné mon imaginaire. L’envergure de la nature qui y est décrite, le côté macabre d’Edgar Allan Poe, les secrets des sœurs Brontë… Quand j’avais 11 ans, toujours, pour Noël, ma mère m’a offert Rebecca, de Daphné du Maurier. Cela m’a fascinée… Cette ­noirceur ! L’absence de fin, cette espèce de fantôme qu’on ne voit jamais, et le manoir traité comme un personnage...
La Información (Spain) mentions Jane Eyre:
Hay otros precedentes entrañables como el ama de llaves de Manderley y Rebeca, Jane Eyre y la loca esposa de milord Rochester recluida en un torreón[.] (Andrés Castaño) (Translation)
Handmade in Haworth posts some nice pictures of the Brontës' quilt. William Smith Williams posts about William Smith William's memorial in Kensal Green Cemetery.


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