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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Saturday, May 26, 2018 1:00 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Several Italian newspapers report the death of the actress Anna Maria Ferrero (1934-2018).

She worked with some of the big names of Italian cinema (Michelangelo Antonioni,  Eduardo De Filippo, Mario Monicelli, Vittorio de Sica, Mauro Bolognini, Raffaello Matarazzo, Dino Risi, Luigi Comencini...) and some Hollywood names (like King Vidor in War and Peace). For many of us, she always will be Gesuina in Carlo Lizzani's 1954 Cronache di poveri amanti... and in the Brontë story she also has a place: she was Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton in a 1956 Italian adaptation of the story:
Cime Tempestose (1956)
Regia Mario Landi
Soggetto dal romanzo omonimo di Emily Brontë
Sceneggiatura Mario Landi, Leopoldo Trieste (adattamento televisivo di Enrico Piceni)
Massimo Girotti: Heathcliff
Annamaria Ferrero: Catherina; Cathe
Alberto Bonucci: Hindley
Giancarlo Sbragia: Edgar Linton
Irene Galter: Isabella Linton
EDIT: The Times also publishes an obituary.


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