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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Wednesday, May 09, 2018 11:07 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Writer Sue Hubbard writes about her book Rainsongs in The Irish Times.
This unmitigated landscape forms the central motif of Rainsongs, much in the way that the Yorkshire moors do for Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. It becomes a metaphor for loss, for longing and desire, for a sense of deep connection that is universal. But it’s also a place that is fragile, like much else that is truly authentic.
While Scottish Book Trust is proud of not having needed to include any Brontë or Shakespeare on a list of 'Books Inspired by The Peatlands of Europe'.
And that’s all without mentioning the Brontë family, or Shakespeare, with both King Lear and Macbeth experiencing visions on the heath. (Donald Murray)
The Telegraph reviews the fifth episode of the new screen adaptation of The Woman in White and concludes that.
For the full-on Gothic atmosphere, this was perhaps the best since the 2006 Jane Eyre that gave Ruth Wilson her big break. While it’s dangerous to call any adaptation definitive, this one came very close. (Gabriel Tate)
A recommendation from The New York Times' Match Book:
I’ll leave you with one more assignment idea: Consider replacing the canonical books that disappointed you with related classics. Since “Lord of the Flies” no longer thrills you, pick up Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,” another book with a grim view of human nature. If you (like me) were uninspired by the listless love triangle and broken pickle dish in Edith Wharton’s “Ethan Frome,” turn to one of her more nuanced stories, like “The Reef.” And if the romantic appeal of “Jane Eyre,” by Charlotte Brontë, diminished as your feminist consciousness rose, you could turn to “Wide Sargasso Sea,” Jean Rhys’s ominous prequel. Think of it as extra credit. (Nicole Lamy)
But please don't replace Jane Eyre with Fifty Shades Freed regardless of what Cinema Blend says in an article about Ana's wedding dress:
But she had a photo of a wedding... It was really her one thought of a wedding dress. It was really very beautiful, sexy but old-fashioned dress, shot from the back from some fashion shoot, um, with sort of a layer of fish tail, and body hugging and yet modest at the same time. And she said that was very much her image. I thought it was perfect, because Ana is kind of Jane Eyre, old-fashioned girl really, and yet a modern woman at the same time. And the audience wants it to be sexy, but you don't want to make her ridiculously sexy and forget the girl who was a virgin, like, a few storylines earlier. So we took that image as a starter. (Jessica Rawden)
Mandy van Goeije tells about her daughter reading Jane Eyre for the first time and creating art inspired by it.


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