
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Tuesday, May 08, 2018 10:21 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Time Out (Australia) sums up 'what you missed at Sydney Writers’ Festival'.
. . . a fascinating panel that had also included Glorie Edim, who started online book club Well-Read Black Girl. “I grew up reading Little Women and Wuthering Heights but I never had a problem [empathising with the characters],” Edim noted. “You can learn empathy from reading.”
On Booklover Book Reviews, writer Justine Ettler tells about the inspiration behind her novel Bohemia Beach.
My deep love for London, my adopted home, similarly inspired the characters of Nelly, Cathy’s eccentric but caring guru, and Edgar, Cathy’s alternative therapist. During my ten years as a Londoner, I developed a fascination with its countless eccentrics. I discovered that London has a long history concerning all things kooky—spiritualism for example, where even today you can visit The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain and have a medium talk to the dead. I was reminded of Wuthering Heights and my new novel began conceptually to take shape. (Joanne P)
Mediapart (France) reviews the film Mes provinciales, directed by Jean Paul Civeyrac.
Les références sont aussi littéraires. Mathias dira que, petit, il avait de l’asthme, qu’il devait rester à la maison et que sa petite soeur lui apportait des livres dont il s’est nourri et qui l’ont initié et formé… Seront cités dans le film, à l’image ou au son, Emilie Brontë, Pascal, Novalis, Flaubert, Pasolini, de Nerval « le doux Gérard » dont le suicide annoncera prémonitoirement la destinée de Mathias. (Guy Baudon) (Translation)
Mauxa (Italy) interviews actress Patrika Darbo from The Bold and the Beautiful.
D. Qual è il tuo libro preferito? Patrika Darbo. Ho avuto due passioni crescenti per Jane Eyre e To Kill A Mockingbird (Il buio oltre la siepe, 1960). Jane Eyre è un mistero e una storia d'amore tutto in uno e l'ho adorato. (Giovanni Menicocci) (Translation)
Broadway World reviews several Eurovision songs. There may be a thing such as too many literary references in not enough words.
Belarus has also gone theatrical, albeit in a distinctly weird way. "Forever" singer Alekseev, dressed like Mr Darcy, hands a rose to a female dancer in a Kate Bush Wuthering Heights red dress. . . (Emma Watkins)
And now for the (big) blunder of the day, courtesy of The DePaulia.
In the 1800’s, women were called upon to be the face of the family. They were expected to smile and harbored the daunting responsibility of putting all of the pieces together without a single complaint or worry. Emily Dickinson, on the other hand, was an up and coming writer who believed something different. She broke out of that classic mold and decided to bring forth a different idea of the way a woman should be able to present herself to the world. She wrote about the life that she wanted, rather than what was wanted for her. She conveyed the need to resist being bogged down by society’s standards, and she did so through detailed imagery and sentiment. The majority of her poetry centered around loneliness, which, at the time, was not something talked about in detail by women. Instead, she spoke through the heart and with stern honesty, and introduced writing that was dictated by pure emotion. [...]
Perhaps somewhat inspired by Dickinson was Charlotte Bronte, whose most famous piece of work “Jane Eyre” is an exemplary addition to Dickinson’s string of storytelling. When the novel was initially published it was done so under Bronte’s male pseudonym in order to get more attention and recognition for the work. The novel was groundbreaking in the sense that (similar to Dickinson’s viewpoints), the main character wanted to be presented in a different light in society, and stood on her own.
“Her [Brontë] novels were my favorite from this time period. I always loved reading her books in school,” Zach Miller, student, said. (Amanda Krupp)
We are afraid that it was Emily Dickinson who was inspired by Charlotte Brontë (even writing a poem about her) and not the other way around.


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