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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:02 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Hindu (India) features Emily Brontë. The article could have done with a bit of fact-checking and some editing as it initially claims that, 'She is believed to have not travelled beyond her home in Yorkshire' while later contradicting it.
A teacher
Coming from a poor family, Emily worked as a governess and a teacher to help her father. She taught at Law Hill School. She even taught herself German while working in the kitchen (her favourite place outside of the moors) and played the piano well enough to teach it in Brussels. But she became homesick and returned to her beloved moors.
Loved animals
Emily once told her pupils that she preferred the school dog to any of them. She was a great animal lover, and her pets included dogs and a hawk called Nero. Even the evening before her death, she insisted on feeding the family dogs, just as she had always done.
Ellis Bell
In 1845, Charlotte found some poems by Emily written under a pseudonym [!!!]. They realised that all the sisters had written poems in a similar way. So a year later, they jointly published a volume of verse, Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. The names were the pseudonyms used by the sisters. Each sister retained her initials, so Emily wrote under Ellis Bell with Charlotte as Currer and Anne as Acton. The book sold only two copies!
Wuthering Heights
By midsummer of 1847, Emily published Wuthering Heights , but it did not fare well; critics were hostile, calling it too savage, too animal-like, and clumsy in construction. Only later did it come to be considered one of the finest novels in the English language. (Puja Pednekar)
Bustle recommends '15 Books You Probably Hated In High School — And Why You Should Give Them A Second Chance'. The list includes
7 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Brontë
Sure, there are more than a few problems with Jane Eyre's torrid, Gothic romance. Like the fact that Jane forgives her rich, ugly boyfriend for locking his mentally ill wife in the attic and then lying about it. That's... not great. But Jane Eyre is also one of very few old school romances that depicts a lady who is independent, self-sufficient, and only comes back to her boyfriend once she can be considered his absolute equal. (Charlotte Ahlin)
In the Brussels Brontë Blog, Helen MacEwan writes about the recent talks by Lucasta Miller and John Sutherland.

An alert for today in Chihuahua, México:
Círculo de lectura - Biblioteca Pública Central Carlos Montemayor
Lugar: Sala de Usos Múltiples Erasmo Palma
Miércoles 25 de Abril
Hora: 18:00 a 19:00 h
Libro: “Cumbres Borrascosas” Emily Brontë   (Via El Pueblo)
And finally, an announcement from the Brontë Parsonage Museum:


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