We mentioned this a few weeks ago when it was published all over the press. Now we devote it a post of its own:
Drama Modern Romance presents
Wuthering Heights. Modernised for the 21st Century
Original Novel by Emily Brontë
Edited by Professor John Sutherland
What if Heathcliff's stubborn pride drove him to leave bad comments on Nelly's Twitter poll about 'Who should Catherine choose?' What if Mr Darcy was narcissistic because he could see all his potential marriage matches on Tinder? Would we have questioned Angel's love for Tess if he'd actually been distracted with Instagram and Pinterest? We're re-imagining our favourite characters from classic romance novels - Pride and Prejudice, Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Wuthering Heights - with a modern twist. Adding in digital devices and our beloved apps, we're seeing if technology would ruin the 'art of romance' in classic love stories. With the help of Professor John Sutherland, we've reworked these three classics to see how our heroes and heroines may have acted had the events taken place in social media. So take a look, download the modern classics, and don't forget - you can always find a bit of romance with Drama.
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