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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Thursday, February 01, 2018 12:30 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Brontë Parsonage reopens today, February 1 with brand new exhibitions:
Brontë 200 - Making Thunder Roar: Emily Brontë
Emily's Bicentenary Exhibition

Emily Brontë is one of the greatest writers in English literature, and yet very little is actually known about her. What we do know survives as fragments of information from the people who knew her best, while years of fascination by her biographers have introduced speculation and myth to fill the gaps in our knowledge. To mark the bicentenary of Emily Brontë’s birth, this exhibition invites a number of well-known Emily admirers to share their own fascination with her life and work. Specially commissioned contributions from Maxine Peake, Lily Cole and Helen Oyeyemi amongst others result in a thought-provoking selection of Emily’s possessions, writing and artwork as well as some of the well-loved household objects she used daily. These personal responses to Emily acknowledge the gaps in our under
standing about this intriguing writer, but also encourage fresh perspectives on her life and work.

Free with admission to the Museum.

Peter Brears: The Real Wuthering Heights

February 01st - May 21st

This exhibition features original illustrations created by Peter Brears for The Real Wuthering Heights: The Story of the Withins Farms, a book he co-authored with Steven Wood. Peter’s beautifully detailed illustrations provide a view into the lost world of the Withins farms, the location presumed by many to have inspired Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights.

Free with admission to the Museum.


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