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Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017 10:54 am by Cristina in ,    No comments
New Jersey Star-Ledger reviews the romance novel A Daring Arrangement by Joanna Shupe. Apparently the Brontës fall into the same category:
My bosom did not heave as I stared into the lapis lazuli pools of his eyes. His manly hands did not take me to places I had never been.
Oddly, though "A Daring Arrangement" did. Yes, this is the confession of a first-time romance reader. Sure, I've read the Brontë sisters and other masters of matters of the heart.
Yet books featuring bare-chested, chiseled men yearning for slightly disheveled women on the covers never called to me. My hesitancy could be snobbery, thinking that books should impart knowledge and these seemed too frothy, sort of like eating leftover Halloween mini candies for lunch. All right two confessions per column are enough. (Jacqueline Cutler)
Fortunately, Alba (Sweden) has a better understanding in an article on the book Kulturkvinnan och andra texter by Ebba Witt-Brattströms:
Frågorna skaver allt medan läsningen fortskrider tillsammans med det lustfyllda konstaterandet att Witt-Brattström är både stridbar och slagfärdig, men också kul. I boken blandas bildningsfeministiska resonemang med skarpa analyser av ett antal viktiga kvinnliga författarskap. Det handlar om klassiker som Selma Lagerlöf, Moa Martinsson, Edith Södergran och Charlotte Brontë, men också verk av nutida författare som Elena Ferrante, Sofi Oksanen och Karolina Ramqvist. (Translation)
El asombrario (Spain) features the book La nueva mujer. Relatos de escritoras estadounidenses del siglo XIX, edited by Gloria Fortún (who we know is a Brontëite and published a biography of Charlotte Brontë).
“A medida que avanza el siglo XIX”, escribe Fortún, “las autoras empiezan a experimentar con nuevas formas que con frecuencia huyen del realismo moralista de las largas novelas inglesas (Charlotte Brontë, George Elliot) que hasta hacía poco tiempo ocupaban los primeros puestos en sus olimpos particulares para abrazar un género que se convertiría en genuinamente americano: el relato”. (Carmen Burgos) (Translation)
Mangobaaz lists '15 Powerful Quotes By The Brontë Sisters That Will Inspire You For Life'. AnneBrontë.org has a post on 'Remembrance Sunday and the Brontë Heroes'.


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