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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Keighley News presents the upcoming novel by S.R. Whitehead, The Last Brontë:
Stephen Whitehead exposes the story of the Rev Arthur Bell Nicholls who he claims loved two of the sisters and revered a third.
In The Last Brontë he shows how death snatched away the young curate’s first love Anne and how he moved on to her sister Charlotte despite her initial dislike of him.
York Publishing Services said the book, out of September 5, dramatised one of the most extraordinary love stories in literary history.
The author, writing as SR Whitehead, details Arthur’s time in Haworth during the 1800s as the Rev Patrick Brontë’s right-hand-man. (...)
The Last Brontë is narrated by Arthur, as he bears witness to all the triumphs and tragedies of the Brontës’ adult lives.
Mr Whitehead spent 20 years at the Brontë Parsonage Museum, first as a member of staff and later on the Board of Trustees and as chairman of the museum committee. (...)
Rebecca Fraser, a biographer of Charlotte Brontë, described the novel as a wonderful imagining of Charlotte Brontë’s enigmatic husband. (David Knights)
Belfast News Letter interviews Nadia Clifford, Jane Eyre in the National Theatre touring production:
“We started the tour at the beginning of April and it has really progressed as we have gone on,” said Nadia. “The rehearsals were so intensive that I didn’t think the cast could get any closer but we definitely have,
“Before we started I had set the bar quite high for myself. I had put Jane on such a pedestal because she was a role model for me as a teenager.
“It can be difficult on such a long run because you have been through it so many times but every audience is different and that keeps it fresh, I keep changing my mind over which is my favourite scene. It’s like a river, it's the same river but it's always flowing.
“I am seeing so many other facets of Jane as we go along. Initially I saw the feminist and how outspoken she was. Those are the staple things people think of when they think about Jane. But I believe the humour and the dynamics of the relationships are really coming through as well.”
LinkIesta (Italy) complains about the absence of new Italian translations for classics and, in particular, Wuthering Heights:
Come stupirsi, allora, se di Cime tempestose gira ancora la traduzione vintage di Antonio Meo (1962, stampa Einaudi, mica Paperoga), mentre Rizzoli ripropone come una peperonata indigesta la versione ‘a zampa d’elefante’ (siamo nel 1978) di Enrico Piceni? Possibile che per i 170 anni dal capolavoro di Emily Brontë (che l’anno prossimo, per altro, compie 200 anni…) non si trovino i soldi per pagare una nuova traduzione? (Davide Brullo) (Translation)
The Telegraph reviews Nick Coyle's Queen of Wolves at the Edinburgh Fringe:
[Frances] Glass [played by Nick Coyle] initially sets about her task with the grim determination of a Charlotte Brontë heroine, bravely ignoring the sinister chattering of children and the odd flying book, not to mention – gulp! – the red thread mysteriously missing from her embroidery kit. (Rupert Hawksley
Also at the Fringe, The Cambridge Footlights show is reviewed in UK Theatre Network:
Other highlights included a cross-dressing parody of Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights. (Kirstie Niland)
WAToday interviews the author Meg Mason:
I wasn't the child who read under the covers with a torch, growing up. I was asleep, and really avoided reading until my last year of school, when I decided I should at least skim Jane Eyre before going into the English exam. It was a revelation, and the start of a massive catch-up job.
The Huffington Post (Germany) visits Manchester and Elizabeth Gaskell's house:
Zwei Freundinnen: Elizabeth Gaskell und Charlotte Brontë
Das Haus der bekannten englischen Schriftstellerin Elizabeth Gaskell liegt etwas außerhalb des Stadtzentrums. Die 1910 in London geborene Autorin lebte mit ihrer Familie ab 1850 in dem Haus mit dem großzügigen Garten. Mrs. Gaskell, wie sie in England immer noch liebevoll genannt wird, liebte es, Gemüse anzupflanzen. Im gleichen Jahr traf sie auf Charlotte Brontë. Seitdem verband die beiden Schriftstellerinnen eine tiefe Freundschaft bis zu Brontës Tod 1855. Nach ihrem Ableben schrieb Mrs. Gaskell die Biografie "The life of Charlotte Brontë". Das Original-Manuskript gibt es heute in der historischen John Rylands Library in Manchester. Beim Gang durch die Räume hat sich nichts verändert. Alles ist noch genau so wie zu ihren Lebzeiten. Die Times von damals liegt auf dem Sekretär und der Tisch ist für ein opulentes Mahl gedeckt. (Sabine Ludwig) (Translation)
Le Devoir reviews La vie rêvée des grille-pain by Heather O'Neill:
Alors que dans L’histoire de la Petite O (Portrait du marquis de Sade en jeune fille) l’auteure trace le portrait troublant d’une ingénue libertine évoquant par sa grandeur d’âme la Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë, elle puise du côté de la religion pour revisiter avec humour le destin du Messie, qu’elle transforme en triste fait divers. « Être riche, c’est débile. C’est mieux d’avoir moins. Ça fait que tu es plus cool. Personne qui vient d’un milieu riche peut vraiment être cool », affirme le jeune Jésus à une camarade de classe dans L’Évangile selon Marie M. (Manon Dumais) (Translation)
  Ara (in Catalan) quotes Charlotte Brontë's opinions on Austen:
Una autora que va generar controvèrsia va ser Jane Austen. Charlotte Brontë, autora de Jane Eyre, opinava que Orgull i prejudici era “un lloc comú, un jardí ben cultivat i tancat, però sense ni una engruna de llum ni vivesa”. Mark Twain, dotat d’un sentit de l’humor més abrasiu, va deixar escrit que cada vegada que llegia aquella novel·la tenia ganes “de desenterrar l’autora i clavar-li un cop al crani amb la seva pròpia tíbia”. Virginia Woolf va ser més discreta: “Regalaria tot el que Austen va escriure a canvi de la meitat de la producció de les Brönte (sic)”. (Jordi Nopca) (Translation)
Io Donna (in Italian) reviews the film To Be Bone:
Il digiuno è abnegazione, sofferenza, purezza e virtù. I tratti delicati di Jane Eyre, di Dorothea di Middlemarch. L’estetica della consunzione. Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Anne Sexton e Sylvia Plath. «Da sempre» notava Katy Waldman su Slate, «la magrezza patologica si lega alla sensibilità poetica». Per questo quando negli anni Ottanta Hollywood ha preso a interessarsi dell’anoressia, con decine di film per la tv, ha sbagliato il tiro, descrivendola non come malattia, ma stile di vita. Oggi diremmo thinspiration. (Costanza Rizzacasa D'Orsogna) (Translation)
TribunNews (in Indonesian) interviews socialite Dewi Sukarno:
"Saya lahir di saat tidak ada televisi. Berbicara tentang kesenangan, hanya ada bacaan. Saya membaca buku-buku karya sastra dari seluruh dunia, termasuk Perancis, Inggris, Rusia, Jerman. Jika Anda membaca "merah dan hitam" Anda akan menjadi wanita Laden, baca "Wuthering Heights" untuk menjadi Catherine, baca "War and Peace" akan menjadi Natasha. (Translation)
Oubliette (in Italian) reviews the novel Essere vivi by Cristina Comencini:
Eppure essa stessa si trova divisa in due vite e, così come ha fatto con la figlia adottiva, da lei ribattezzata Caterina per amore di “Cime Tempestose”, muta il proprio nome in Maria, dopo aver lasciato il marito e seguito Sebastiano, un pittore dal disturbo bipolare ossessionato dall’Apocalisse, ossia dalla catastrofeestrema. (Translation)
Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb interviews Sarah Shoemaker, author of Mr. Rochester.


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