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Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017 12:00 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The decision of the Bradford Council of closing down the Visitor Centre in Haworth (and also the ones in Ilkley and Saltaire) is discussed in The Telegraph & Argus:
Bradford Council has placed the future of its four visitor information centres under review, and consultants have recommended closing the offices in the tourist hotspots of Haworth, Saltaire and Ilkley, and only retaining the one in Bradford city centre.
A formal decision is due to be taken later this year by Council bosses, and tomorrow a scrutiny committee will look at how community groups could step in to save the facilities.
The report, by strategic director of place Steve Hartley, says the Brontë Society still hopes to take on the running of a visitor information centre for Haworth. (...)
Councillor Sarah Ferriby, the Executive member for environment, sport and culture, said the discussions in Haworth and Ilkley were “looking very positive”.
She said: “No-one has come up with definitive proposals. There are a number of options being looked at and questions from people in the community. (Claire Wilde)
Of course, if you celebrate an anniversary sooner or later haters will turn up. Jane Austen is no exception. Teaching, but not loving, Jane Austen in The Atlantic:
Unlike Austen, many of her contemporaries wrote stories about interracial marriage and biracial women (that were not tucked away in Charlotte Brontë’s attic). They also used their fiction and poems to contribute to the debates about abolition, in concert with women who circulated petitions, raised funds for the cause, and boycotted sugar from the West Indies. (Patricia A. Matthew)
Nick Holland on AnneBronte.org has a more sympathetic view on Austen.

New Statesman explores the possibility that Herman Melville's character Billy Budd was of African heritage:
In Wuthering Heights, published in 1847, two years before Melville’s visit, Heathcliff is described as a “regular black”, an orphan found in the Liverpool docks – an intriguing notion explored in Andrea Arnold’s brilliant 2011 film adaptation. (Philip Hoare)
Twin Cities Pioneer Press talks about the TV adaptation of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's The Last Tycoon:
“I have a long association with F. Scott Fitzgerald, beginning prenatally when my mother was reading him in her ninth month,” [Scott] Berg told the Fitzgerald scholars gathered in St. Paul’s Hotel 340 ballroom. “She was determined to give birth to a son and name him Scott. And she did. I’m grateful she wasn’t reading Charlotte Brontë.” (Mary Ann Grossmann)
The Daily Express recommends Queen of Wolves at the Edinburgh Fringe:
After helping the people of Edinburgh achieve an almost illegal level of relaxation in his 2016 Fringe show Guided Meditation, Australian comedian Nick Coyle is back this year to do the opposite: wake you up… screaming. This year comes his highly anticipated new show, Queen of Wolves – a terrifying gothic comedy, in one ridiculous hour: Turn of the Screw meets Jane Eyre meets Rebecca meets Selena Gomez.
Dan (Montenegro) interviews Dora Ruždjak Podolski, director of the Wuthering Heights adaptation currently on stage in Bar.
Ima­la sam pri­li­ku ra­di­ti u am­bi­jen­tu ko­ji ni­sam vi­dje­la na ku­gli ze­malj­skoj, u ko­me se stvar­no osje­ća duh sta­ri­ne. Po me­ni se sve iz­u­zet­no do­bro uklo­pi­lo u am­bi­jent, jer vi­di­te ovu Ru­mi­ju ko­ja vas šti­ti, ko­ja je i opa­sna, a ovaj nas po­sao upra­vo ta­kav, u toj iz­mje­ni svje­tla i ta­me i bor­be sva­ko­dnev­ne – ka­za­la je re­di­telj­ka na­kon pre­mi­je­re.
Sim­bo­li­ka, te­me i struk­tu­ra ro­ma­na po ko­jem je pred­sta­va ra­đe­na, već vi­še od 150 go­di­na pod­sti­ču na naj­ra­zli­či­ti­ja is­tra­ži­va­nja i či­ta­nja, me­đu­tim sma­tra se da su li­ko­vi i nji­ho­vi uslo­žnje­ni ka­rak­te­ri ti na ko­ji­ma po­či­va po­pu­lar­nost ovog na­slo­va. Me­đu pr­vi­ma to je Hit­klif ko­ji je je­dan od naj­in­te­re­sant­ni­jih li­ko­va svjet­ske knji­žev­no­sti. Nje­ga je u ko­ma­du tu­ma­čio Mi­loš Pe­jo­vić. (D.S.) (Translation)
Entorno Inteligente (in Spanish) reviews Agnes Grey; Las Mil y una historias de Alba (in Spanish) vlogs about Jane Eyre;  Mindscape in Words reviews the same novel; My DS106 Blog analyses the webseries The Autobiography of Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights is the subject of the latest episode of Con Jorgelina on Radio Pascal (Argentina). Clarissa Hopkins video reviews Yuki Chan in Brontë Country.


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