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Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Brontë birthplace is not the only property on the market with Brontë connections. The Sunday Times lists another one:
No 1 Rockmount is a five-bedroom period house on West End, the coastal road that heads west out of Kilkee, in Co Clare. In June 1854, Charlotte Brontë, the author of Jane Eyre, famously spent part of her honeymoon in a property just three doors down, then known as the West End Hotel. In a letter to a friend at home in England, she described the stretch along the seafront here, writing, “. . . so magnificent an ocean — so bold and grand a coast — I never yet saw.” (Dara Flynn)
Ahram (Egypt) reviews the novel مسك التل (The Hill’s Musk) by سحر الموجي (Sahar El-Moguie):
Amina, the fictional submissive early 20th century Egyptian middle class mother of the trilogy of Naguib Mahfouz, Catherine Earnshaw, the indomitable protagonist of Emile (sic) Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, and Mariam a clinically depressed psychiatrist who is always standing between two worlds of sobriety and bewilderedness, or maybe even between life and death, are the protagonists. (Dina Ezzat)
Some Austen vs Brontë tidbits (with free blunders included):
It’s not just that Austen’s books have remained a presence. Texts far older and far less widely-read remain a part of English class curriculums, on book store shelves. But people aren’t shelling out thousands of dollars to go on Henry James-themed tours of England, or gathering at yearly conferences to discuss the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. And even beloved literary figures like Charlotte Brontë’s Heathcliff (!!!!!) fail to inspire the same sort of worldwide adoration that Fitzwilliam Darcy does. (Boston Herald)
The [Jane Austen Society of Pakistan] now has chapters in Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and London. At meet-ups, discussions stretch from Austen in the news to Austen in their lives. "For instance, we'll discuss parallels between Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility) and Elizabeth and Margaret Windsor (from Netflix's The Crown); or Jane Austen vs Charlotte Brontë — do women authors create the most romantic heroes? Favourite and least favourite heroines, frenemies, heroes, cads, screen portrayals — we never run out of topics," says Sukhera. (Joeanna Rebello Fernandes in The Times of India)
Vijesti (Montenegro) talks about the Wuthering Heights production performed in Bar:
Inscenacija romana Emili Brontë, prema riječima rediteljke, govori sasvim otvoreno o ljudskim manama i prikazuje ljude koji po svojim potrebama i suštini uvijek ostaju isti, samo se mijenjaju socijalna struktura i način na koji nas društvo ograničava. Dora Ruždjak Podolski istakla je saradnju sa crnogorskom ekipom i prostor u kome se predstava igrala. (Translation)
L'Alsace (France) interviews the writer Guillaume Musso:
Votre premier livre lu ? Les Hauts de Hurlevent d’Émilie Brontë, découvert à onze ans chez mon grand-père pendant les vacances de Noël. C’est l’après-midi. Il pleut. Une coupure de courant m’empêche de regarder la télé. Dans la bibliothèque de mon grand-père, à côté des Mémoires du Général de Gaulle, je trouve un vieux livre qui appartenait à ma mère quand elle était plus jeune, Les Hauts de Hurlevent. Je commence à le lire et je ne le lâcherai plus. À partir de ce moment-là, j’ai compris que grâce aux livres, je ne serai plus jamais seul. (Translation)
Politics and Prose uploads a complete talk by John Pfordresher presenting his book The Secret History of Jane Eyre; Catholic Reads reviews the trilogy Unclaimed, Nameless and Vanished by Erin McCole Cupp:
Cupp’s 3-part adaption of Jane Eyre nearly as powerful as Brontë’s original. It still remains true to Christian and Catholic morals regarding sex and marriage and it remains a wonderful book that both religious and secular readers can enjoy and respect. Fans of the original Jane Eyre will love Jane E. and new readers who might find the original classic literature intimidating will enjoy this adaptation as well, though they will likely miss a lot of the references. If buying 3 novella eBooks does not suit you then you can buy the whole book in physical form under the title, Jane E Friendless Orphan, though the cover of that one isn’t as beautiful as the covers for the eBooks. Besides, fans of the original Jane Eyre would do well to remember that it was originally published in three volumes like this. (A.R.K. Watson)
Better living through Beowulf  posts on how Jane Eyre cares for the sick. History Things traces a profile of Emily Brontë. Mon Jardin Littéraire (in French) reviews Syrie James's The Secret Diary of Jane Eyre.


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