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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Saturday, June 10, 2017 10:50 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
It's all about lists today.

Read It Forward has Gail Honeyman, author of the novel Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, select '5 of the Quirkiest Characters in Literature', the first of which is
Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Quirky characters needn’t be exclusively light or comedic (although there are elements of sly humor throughout this book). Jane is, from the outset, a free spirit (“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will”) and her unusual take on the world, her lack of interest in “fitting in”, is one of the things that first captivates the jaded Mr. Rochester (and quickly captivates the reader too).  
The recent manga adaptation of Jane Eyre is recommended by School Library Journal as a 'Marvelous Manga for Middle Schoolers'.
Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. adapt. by Crystal S. Chan. illus. by SunNeko Lee. 324p. (Manga Classics). Udon. 2016. pap. $17.99. ISBN 9781927925652.
Gr 7 Up –Featuring elegant, expressive artwork that’s perfect for the darkly romantic tale, this faithful adaptation of Brontë’s novel makes the story of a governess who falls in love with her mysterious employer accessible to younger audiences. Keep an eye on the entire “Manga Classics” series for more reworked versions of great literature. (Andrea Lipinski)
According to The Gleaner (Jamaica), Wuthering Heights is one of '5 Books Every Woman Should Read'.
2. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: A classic that should definitely be on your reading list. Wuthering Heights gives you a raw look at love. No violets or roses, but there is passion, lust and jealousy. (Jody-Anne Lawrence)
Letterpile recommends some books for readers who enjoyed My Cousin Rachel.
Other books by du Maurier include: The Scapegoat, Jamaica Inn, Mary Anne, Frenchman’s Creek, the biography The Infernal World of Branwell Brontë, and numerous books of short stories and other biographies.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë is a dark Gothic tragedy about the darkness and selfishness of human nature, which challenges what actions are justified in the name of love and self-preservation. (Amanda Leitch)
While FlickChart considers that
As a literary adaptation, My Cousin Rachel is more faithful than the misguided Wuthering Heights [1939]. (David Conrad)
Oliver Kamm in his Times column attacks 'linguistic style gurus';
If pedants who fuss about the “real meanings” of words are to be believed, great figures of this country’s public life, literature and letters — the very greatest, including Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Dickens and Charlotte Brontë — were continually making blunders in English. That’s a hard case to make, but it’s what people like Evans are driven to. I could just leave the issue there and marvel at the pedants’ presumptuousness, but I’ll point out the glaring omission in their edicts.
Cinema a dois (Brazil) looks at how some actors don't look exactly like the fictional characters they play. And thus we get a Photoshopped image of Ralph Fiennes as a black man.

(Fernando Neko) (Translation)

Libération (France) finds a Brontëite in Italian writer Ginevra Bompiani.
Vous auriez pu faire de la langue française votre métier ? J’aurais pu. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je ne l’ai pas fait. La seule raison est que j’avais envie d’écrire sur la littérature anglaise - et j’en ai fait mon premier livre -, Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, Stevenson, Conrad, Virginia Woolf - plus que sur la littérature française. Mais c’est vrai que le français m’est beaucoup plus familier. A la fin du lycée, je suis venue en France, et puis j’ai passé huit ans à Paris. D’abord en étudiant, puis en travaillant, comme lectrice d’italien à Dijon. En Angleterre, j’ai vécu un an, lectrice à l’université de Brighton. J’aurais dû être francisante, mais j’ai toujours une petite propension à élargir l’horizon, et même à l’élargir au-delà de mes connaissances pour l’expérimenter. (Claire Devarrieux) (Translation)
Página 12 (Argentina) reviews the novel Después del Fuego by Javier Núñez:
La novela de la tarde termina siendo Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë, madre de todos los culebrones y que la portera Amanda (ciega a raíz del crimen del título) escucha leída en voz alta por Pessoa, como un radioteatro, y recuenta luego en una versión cabeza. (Beatriz Vignoli) (Translation)
Both L'Opinione and Il Corriere della Sera review the film Lady Macbeth:
Chiude il cast di primissimo piano la cameriera Anna, magistralmente interpretata da Naomi Ackie. Il mantello di natura selvaggia e incontaminata su cui poggiano le prospettive con i rispettivi punti di fuga esterni è rappresentato dal “moorland” (ben presente in altri famosi racconti come “Il mastino dei Baskerville”, “Cime tempestose”, “Orgoglio e pregiudizio”, “Jane Eyre”), ovvero dalla brughiera, con i suoi boschi incontaminati, gli spazi aperti di rocce e rovi colorati, i ruscelli pietrosi e impetuosi. (Maurizio Bonanni) (Translation)
E certifica la nascita di una stella, Florence Pugh, 21 anni, di Oxford, ma cresciuta in Spagna, una Lady Chatterley (l’innesco della bomba è rappresentato dalla passione per lo stalliere Sebastian) spasimante di vita come l’eroina in conflitto con il mondo patriarcale di Cime tempestose. (Paola Piacenza) (Translation)
Also in Il Corriere della Sera (Italy) an article about  Jane Austen's Mr Darcy
Così famoso che Giovanna Pezzuoli, giornalista e scrittrice, gli ha dedicato un saggio, Alla ricerca di Mr Darcy (iacobelli editore), in cui ne analizza l’incredibile successo a confronto con gli altri protagonisti maschili della Austen, da Frederick Wentworth, il capitano di Persuasione, a George Knightley, il saggio gentiluomo di Emma, fino a Edmund Bertram, assennato giovanotto di Mansfield Park. Pezzuoli si spinge fino a paragonare Darcy ai “tempestosi” eroi e antieroi delle sorelle Brontë, in particolare il terribile Heathcliff di Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë, ed Edward Rochester, protagonista di Jane Eyre di Charlotte Brontë, forse l’unico in grado di impensierire un po’ Mr Darcy nella top ten dei più amati. (Valeria Palumbo) (Translation)
Uncut looks back on the music career of singer/songwriter Laura Nyro who was once called 'The Bronx Brontë'. In So Many Words posts about Jane Eyre and includes a selection of covers throughout the years. Smart Bitches, Trashy Books gives a B- to Sarah Shoemaker's Mr Rochester. RTVE (in Spanish) mentions some visitors to the Feria del Libro in Madrid who bought a Wuthering Heights paperback.


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