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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Keighley News reports that the Brontë Society is willing to take over the running of Haworth's Tourist Office:
A new council report, going before the authority’s regeneration overview and scrutiny committee today, says the Brontë Society has submitted proposals to take over the running of Haworth’s tourist office at the junction of West Lane and Main Street, with the aim of keeping it open in its current location.
It says: “This will provide strategic benefits for both organisations: it will provide the Society with a prominent Main Street presence in the town, including much-needed office space, while maintaining a Visitor Information Centre service in Haworth, promoting tourism across the entire Bradford district. (Richard Parker
Which will be like a return to its origins as the Brontë Society occupied part of those offices (the ones above what was then the Yorkshire Penny Bank) from 1895 until Sir James Roberts officially handed over the Parsonage to the Society in 1928.

The New Yorker has an article about the Arctic obsession in literature:
All this was—to use the apt cliché—the tip of the iceberg. The nineteenth-century obsession with the Arctic intruded even in novels not otherwise concerned with the poles. In Jane Austen’s “Persuasion,” Admiral Croft’s wife laments the fact that she had to stay home in Kent while her husband explored the Far North. “Jane Eyre” opens with the title character reading about “the vast sweep of the Arctic Zone, and those forlorn regions of dreary space” where fields of ice “concentrate the multiplied rigours of extreme cold.” (Like Shelley, Charlotte Brontë had been interested in the Arctic since childhood. In the imaginary world she created with her siblings, Anne and Emily adopted the identities of Parry and Ross.) (Kathryn Schulz)
The Guardian lists several new DVD and VOD premieres:
Turning to the comparatively old-fashioned realm of straight to DVD, we’ve waited nearly three years for Sophie Barthes’s Madame Bovary (Kaleidoscope, 15) to surface in the UK. While this limpidly pretty, polished Gustave Flaubert adaptation is a mite too corseted and convention-bound to be entirely worth the wait, it merits a look, chiefly for the wondrous Mia Wasikowska, whose sharp, rigorous reading of an oft-played heroine can stand tall beside her similarly insightful Jane Eyre. (Guy Lodge)
Top10Films has an article on new films to be found on the BFI player:
The Night Has Eyes (Leslie Arliss, 1942)
One of only a handful of British horror films produced during WWII, this delicious slice of gothic melodrama (think Jane Eyre meets The Old Dark House) stars James Mason as Stephen, a reclusive composer living in an isolated mansion on the perennially misty Yorkshire Moors.
Shakespeare deniers in The Huffington Post:
The Refuseniks can’t believe that someone who wasn’t upper class and a world traveler could have been a brilliant writer. This shows a total misunderstanding of the grasping creative mind and ugly snobbery bordering on contempt. What about the Brontës, James Joyce, Dickens, and Jane Austen? (Lev Raphael)
Psychology Today discusses 'how some women know how to handle men':
Yet we read literature with some feisty heroines who should have been role models like Katherina in the" Taming of the Shrew" or Jane Eyre or even Dorothea Brooke in "Middlemarch." Yet when our teacher asked us how many of us would like to marry Heathcliff ( the Byronic hero in "Wuthering Heights") all the hands shot up. Obviously we were in for trouble. (Sheila Kohler)
Redbook has a list of books every woman should read:
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
This rich, creepy Victorian Gothic is the old-school version of Gone Girl (and The Girl on the Train, and The Luckiest Girl Alive, and every female-led page-turner of recent years). Plus, it centered on the revolutionary idea that women should be able to educate and express themselves, just as men do. Hear, hear. (Holly Corbett)
Ara (in Catalan) on the pleasure of reading:
Llegir és tenir companys de viatge, i cadascú ha de triar els seus. Com es trien? Doncs una mica per casualitat, com els amics a la vida. Llegeixes La metamorfosi de Kafka, et submergeixes en aquest món estrany en què la realitat sembla somniada, hi trobes coses de tu mateix, i mires de seguir el mateix camí llegint Borges, Calders o Murakami. I d’aquí potser t’endinses més pel bosc, més fosc, dels contes de Poe o de Lovecraft. I aleshores tens a la vora el misteri d’un Henry James i l’atmosfera inquietant de Cims borrascosos, d’Emily Brontë, o Jane Eyre, de la seva germana Charlotte. (David Cirici) (Translation)
British Theatre publishes some pictures of the National Theatre’s Jane Eyre UK Tour.  And What's Good To Do reviews the Sheffield performances:
The show thoroughly deserves the full 5/5 for being a stunning piece of theatre that is both educational and entertaining. If you have read Jane Eyre you will see the book in a fresh light and if you haven’t read the book you will now want to (as well as watch the show again)!
Your Story uses a Charlotte Brontë quote in an article about startups. There Ought to be Clowns reviews the Octagon Theatre performances of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. La Luna Vita and Nerd Cactus review Wuthering Heights.

Finally, an obituary published in The Yorkshire Evening Post alerts us of the death of Louise Barnard, wife of Robert Barnard and co-author of A Brontë Encyclopedia:
On March 4th, passed away peacefully at home, aged 78 years. Dearly beloved wife of the late Robert. Funeral service and interment at Armley Hill Top Cemetery on Wednesday March 22nd at 12:30pm.


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